My little Orca, Bubba

PHEW….it’s been a crazy month! More of a whirlwind actually. First, our last minute trip to France and the Cannes Film Festival for our friend Sam’s documentary premier, then returning home to find a kind of unmentionable mess, and then returning to work to find out we’re moving our office space after more than 10 years! Can you say “madness”?

Now, finally, a more “normal” weekend has begun here on the homestead.

I’m still trying to get caught up on all my emails, comments, magazines, mail, blogs, gardening, housework, etc. (and, by the way, I’m loving every minute of it), so if I haven’t gotten back to you yet…I apologize. I will soon. This week could be a bit nutso too with graduations, weddings, working, working out…etc….

Wait, that nuttiness is actually what a normal week in my life is like!

Speaking of working out….did I mention I’ve finally gotten back into the gym? I’m actually embarrassed to say that I haven’t been there in far too long – even though we pay monthly for this incredible membership. Somehow, I justify that the walks we take every morning with Bubba (our French bulldog who looks like a little orca whale) actually constitutes enough of a workout. What I’m just coming to fully understand, though I’m not sure what took me umpteen years to get, is that the time I spent this week on the exercise bike (watching Glee episodes, I might add) is actually just about the only “alone” time I get. I know, I know, I’m in a room full of people also working out, but, somehow, in some way, I’m not.

I’m alone with my headphones on and no phones ringing, no people stopping by my office to give me work and no one calling my name. Now that I finally get that, can I just say it’s “heavenly” and worth every sweat-filled minute.

Not to mention that I’ve been sleeping better and experiencing less anxiety (have I mentioned I’m somewhat of an anxious person?).

WHY did it take me an eternity to grasp this and view working out this way?

Honestly, I have no idea, but I’m going to be grateful that I’ve gotten here now! I want this healthy aspect to become a part of my identity too. Just as I mentioned during the radio interview with Nia for the Bella Petite hour, it’s all about taking little steps and making them part of your life. I’ve needed to get back into a healthy workout routine for a long time now and I’m really hoping this is the beginning of a lifelong habit.

Though my life is jam packed most of the time, and I feel like I play “catch-up” more than anything else, I’m determined to continue these workouts…for the good of me….well, at least until I run out of episodes of Glee to catch up on anyways….

~be blessed~ Lita


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