
WOW 2016 is here!!!

It seems like forever since I’ve gotten on this blog – sorry about that! I hope all of you are following along on Facebook, Instagram and now Snapchat (litasworldjen) as I definitely post there much more often. There’s just never enough time!!

Ugh…okay, New Year’s Resolution #1 – stop saying “I don’t have time”.

It’s such a boring statement and so negative when that is not how I mean it. Yes, I’m busy, but no, not in a bad way. Busy with life – which includes family, home, friends, work, photography, crafts, gardening, cooking, traveling….and, well, all the things I love and live for.

I just need to re-introduce taking the time to blog about it all here.

I think I need to shift away from what I expect this blog to be (full of interesting photos, graphics, ideas, etc.) and let it just be – even if it’s just me sharing my thoughts for the day. Basically, just sharing me as me and seeing what happens. Not that I haven’t been “me” all these years, but I think this year, I’ll come from a different place and see what happens. I expect some will like it and some may not, but I also expect that I may truly enjoy it.

So, before this post gets just too long and wordy, I’ll share my newest creation in this new year. I’m learning to use iMovie – inspired by our friend Steve who created an amazing movie after he and his wife’s last trip to Italy and further inspired by a clip (and song) our friends Tom and Shannon shared with us.

Here we are, me and Pops, early December on a quick and incredibly fun trip to Maui. It was everything a trip with your spouse should be – FUN and full of laughter!!


I hope you enjoy it and will want to see more clips like this through the year as I feel my techie side is starting an addiction to movie making – I’m going to give Final Cut Pro a try next time – yahoo!!

Happy New Year – and here’s to connecting more this year!!!

