So, seriously, we just had the BEST vacation E.V.E.R!!!
We flew into Salt Lake City from San Jose on Alaska Airlines – um, did you know you get free beer and wine on this airline?!?! For someone who’s a big CHICKEN about flying this is kinda a HUGE bonus!
AND they have a vegan snack box with DELISH tapas (yes, we bought 4 of them figuring we may need them on the trip…and they did get devoured!)
After landing in SLC and getting our rental car (the absolute teeeniest car – because we’re cheap – you can imagine, a Chevy Spark *nicknamed Sparky for the trip – photos of our precious ride coming soon), we drove towards Moab and our friend Kimberly’s rental condo.
I know that sounds pretty “simple”, but we actually drove over a pass where there was a BLIZZARD happening (the Spark got us through thankfully though it was questionable at times) and th3 excitement began for a fabulous week of adventure!
Here’s her condo…and it is for rent if you want to visit the Moab area (I highly recommend this!) let me know if you want details!
um, this condo might be nicer than our house…so arriving at night to this was AMAZING!!
In the morning, we checked in with our friend…roamed around Moab a bit (in search of food) and had a DELISH breakfast at Love Muffin (photo later in post)!
Okay as plant-based people (is that what we’re called now?!?), you know you’ve scored when you go to an area and everywhere you stop to eat has “vegan” and “vegetarian” food!! Bigtime SCORE!!!
Then Kimberly (who, by the way, is responsible for ALL the amazing trails available in Moab – and who started the very first Mountain Bike magazine back in the 80’s and who, needless to say, deserves admiration, adoration and infinite gratitude – oh, and works for the State Parks Department and can give you and guide you to the very BEST Utah has to offer) told us to head on our way to a local trail called “Negro Bill Canyon” (um, yes, that’s the name and I think they’ve tried to get it changed many times to no avail, so don’t get mad at the messenger here).

So, we head out on hike #1 of the trip and I am in AWE of what this area has to offer from step number 1 – did I mention I love hiking?!
As you can see it’s a little “overcast”, but trust me, that is just part of Southern Utah’s charm!! The weather pretty much changes every 10 minutes!
We hike to the end of this canyon, where we experience sunshine and “baby” hails…which we find out they call bail?!? In a word, AMAZING!
Um, and oh yeah, we get to see our first “Arch”!
AND then the strongest man in the world demonstrates holding up tons of red rocks:
Remember earlier when I mentioned Kimberly’s amazing contributions to the trails here in Moab (and Southern Utah), well, we head to a pedestrian and bike bridge at the head of the canyon that she was instrumental in having built and see this sign first:
See those numbers….those HUGE numbers of miles of trails??? Well, let’s all thank Kimberly for these!! These amazing areas never happen without someone behind them – someone getting the grants, someone going to Washington DC to make it happen and well, Kimberly is that person!
AND here’s the amazing bridge she had built:
wanna see a close-up?
um, and how about these views from it:
So, after this kick-off hike, we head back into town for a yummy lunch….then meet Kimberly and her husband Eddie for a yummy dinner

This is when you think this day – number 1 – just can’t be beat!!
Oh, but you just wait……onto Day 2…..
P.S. for more photos of day 1, visit my Flickr Album here.