Update on what is upcoming in my life. Read more…

Lover of Life, Photography, Design, Disney
Update on what is upcoming in my life. Read more…
It’s all in the art of being related.It’s all in the art of seeking unity.It is a special, precious experience. 2 ½ years ago, my nephew Rob Hendricks was perusing Ancestry DNA and discovered a woman in our family tree who shared 27% of my DNA. After thorough consideration, we deduced that she could only […] Read more…
My best friend celebrates his 75th Birthday today! To say this is a milestone that should be rejoiced is an understatement – especially after this past month! I would venture to guess that most people that know him love him for various reasons. From being their favorite teacher, fun-loving surf buddy, exciting mountain-bike adventurer and […] Read more…
Our good friend, Matt George has a new book out, In Deep: The Collected Surf Writings. To say Matt is a fabulous storyteller would not nearly be enough expression of the talent he has as a writer, creator, photographer, surfer and dear friend. Through his friendship with Jimi, I am lucky to have had many […] Read more…
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about anything so, I thought I’d catch you up on what’s going on in my Life – April 2023. As Spring is finally approaching, Jimi and I are enjoying warmer weather bike rides, swimming at the club, getting our garden back in shape and returning to the days […] Read more…
Finding my blogging niche – sharing our bike rides and adventures. Read more…
Reality First Please tell me how one goes to bed at night feeling just fine and wakes up the next morning feeling like spikes are being hammered into her back? And three days later as she feels like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel of pain, she wakes up in the middle […] Read more…
Well hello….if there is anyone out there reading this! I’ve been away from blogging for far, far too long. I think I fit in with a bunch of “bloggers” who have also gotten away from actually blogging and instead rely solely on social media to send out ideas, images and other creative folly. Blogging Again […] Read more…
Happy New Year Everyone! This month my blog will be 11 years old! I almost can’t believe it and am hoping I will be motivated to post more this year than I have in the past few. I believe I posted a total of ONE time last year, so exceeding that goal should not be […] Read more…
Jim Hunter wrote a book – Stories From My Life – sharing his history and adventures. Read more…
I recently was fortunate enough to be able to screen Disney’s Aladdin. Of course, it’s everything we come to expect from a Disney movie – beautiful, uplifting, exciting and fun. I also realized there were some definitely lessons shared in the story. Lessons I think it would be wonderful for everyone to be reminded of. […] Read more…
Pops and I are getting ready to begin a new kind of traveling adventure for us – RV Travel. We’re preparing for an almost month-long RV Travel trip across the Northwest U.S. beginning in Denver, Colorado and ending up here back at home! We’re definitely newbies to RV travel, so I’ll be posting and sharing […] Read more…
MARY POPPINS RETURNS is now playing in theatres everywhere! I was so lucky to be able to see this incredible movie on Monday night and here are my thoughts. If you’ve forgotten how to think and dream like a child. If you’ve lost touch with your imagination and the beauty of the world around you. If […] Read more…
Sometimes all I need is a nice long walk in the cool air along the Pacific Ocean. Yesterday, we enjoyed a walk along the coast in Santa Cruz, California. The air was clean, the waves were crashing with a South swell, and having Pops with me means the company couldn’t have been better. Coast Views […] Read more…
Do you want to know what is so absolutely amazing about Point Arena, California? Well, it’s where Pops and I met almost twenty-five years ago! Northern California Coast This visit was quite a bit different. For one, we drove up together. For two, we came to celebrate the union of souls of two other people […] Read more…
Jimi and I recently spent a weekend in the small, central California coastal town of Cayucos. We haven’t been there in years and it was so nice to see this little gem of a town is still there very much unchanged. We didn’t visit under the best of circumstances, but I feel that we made […] Read more…
As I write this, I hope this Vegan Cowboy pizza actually tastes good (or at the very least the photos of it look good). I’m making this pizza now as I type this post. My inspiration to try this dish came last night while I was eating at a friend’s house. She lives in Cayucos, […] Read more…
GoKart racing is seriously one of the favorite “outside-the-office” events at my company – at least among those of the “testosterone” persuasion. Of course, everyone is invited, but it seems this event really appeals to the men I work with. Do you want to know who else it appeals to? Jimi – aka Pops – […] Read more…
How true is it when they say as you get older the days, weeks and months move by faster? I can hardly believe it is almost August this year! Summer seems to be just flying by. I’m currently on a “social-media-fast” – not just as an experiment, but as an effort to understand what is […] Read more…
If you follow me on other social media channels, you know that at the end of 2017 we took a once-in-a-lifetime trip to visit and experience the country of Myanmar. It was truly an incredible trip and, a trip I would highly recommend! Honestly, the sights, the sounds, the people, and the peace – which […] Read more…
The importance of meditation is a subject I’ve shared and written about before. Taking the time for meditation and gratitude have become a daily priority in our home. While there are many forms of meditation, I also believe there are benefits to knowing and using a variety of techniques. I love to learn new ways […] Read more…
I have 3 words for you about the Black Panther movie being released this week. Are you ready?? GO SEE IT! If you like gorgeous scenery, GO SEE IT. If you like stunning costumes, GO SEE IT. If you like well-acted movies, GO SEE IT. If you’re a technie-nerd like I can be and love […] Read more…
What an exciting day we had today!! Jeannie Mai, one of the co-hosts on The Real remembered and spoke of “Mr. Hunter”, my hubby, and one of her elementary school teachers. While I know how fabulous he is and how much he can (and has) inspired me and others, it is so amazing to hear […] Read more…
Happy New Year! Yes, maybe I am a bit late…but it’s a sincere wish all the same. As the year begins, I see a lot of people choosing their “word” for the year. While this is nothing new, I usually give it a brief thought, then get busy with the eternal “what’s next” in my […] Read more…
Last night we were able to attend a holiday concert with one of Pop’s former students, Amber Patterson. It was such a treat to hear Amber’s beautiful operatic voice. I can still remember the first time we heard her sing. Amber was in second grade auditioning for the school talent show that Mr. Hunter (aka […] Read more…