Am I dreaming? If I am, don’t wake me.
Yesterday, we headed to the yacht for lunch and a relaxing afternoon. The yacht is owned by the man who financed Sam’s movie, Bill Price. Bill couldn’t be here because his wife is about to have a baby, so he sent his yacht for us to use. It’s a beautifully maintained 2-year old boat, that the crew was telling us they take around the world to wherever Bill wants to meet them. I cannot even imagine what that life is like.
The permanent crew is 3 lovely people, Ed, Tom and his wife Lulu. They made us a delicious lunch and were there to help us with anything we wanted – which, for me, was basically to hear about their lives and life traveling the world on this sailing ship. Whenever they head out for more than a 2 night trip – like say crossing an ocean, they hire on more crew. Their tales about the planning of sailing to different parts of the world and the technology and maps they use was fascinating! We’re supposed to spend the night on the ship on the 19th – I may never wake up with the lullaby-like sway of the ship…it’s divine.
Last night was Sam’s movie premier sur la plage (on the beach). Perfect venue to watch a surf documentary. They had beach chairs set up for anyone who wished to watch and even handed out blankets to each person – every detail is completely worked out and taken care of here at the festival – at least from what I’ve seen.
You can tell we’re in Europe when we head to dinner at 11:30 at night and rarely get to bed by 2 am – should make it easier with the time change when we return home.
Pops aka Beloved Free Baba Jimi, has another post ready too – I put it up already, check it out, it’s a good one!
1 Comment on Cannes – Day 3
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Was thinking about you and wanted to see how you were getting along out there…glad to see you haven’t missed a beat with your blog. Sounds like a fabulous time! See you soon!