I send happy weekend wishes out to the world as I sit here on this chilly (40 degree) Saturday morning listening to the sounds of my oldest Grandson Hunter and my hubby Pops as they read books, put together puzzles and make up games in the living room. They’re having their “boy” fun time and let me tell you, there’s lots of giggling, whispers and silliness happening in there. It’s so precious to hear them making up games – and trying to include Bubba in a bit of their fun (as he can’t resist being near them).
Giving them this time together has given me the time to read through a bit of my new VegNews magazine. It is just sincerely one of the magazines I can’t wait for each month. It’s always chock full of information that seems so relevant to my life. Definitely, look for a subscription giveaway to show up sometime during my blog birthday week (January 24th).
This month there’s a feature article on Kris Carr. She’s the author of the site My Crazy Sexy Life , she’s made a documentary for TLC and she’s written four books all based around supporting each other in the pursuit of having a life filled with good health, spiritual wealth and happiness. She does all this after being diagnosed eight years ago with an incurable cancer. I’ll be ordering her “Crazy Sexy Diet” book and plan to begin making her morning juice which you can find a recipe for here. Here’s a link to her books in case you’re interested:
Here’s hoping everyone has a fabulous Saturday…now I’m off to join in the “boy” fun…it’s time they mixed in some girl trouble in there.

Sending joy,
~ Lita