
Keurig 2.0 LOVE!

As luck would have it (and I’m so happy it did) I was invited to a Keurig breakfast during BlogHer14. Besides sharing a delicious breakfast with other beautiful bloggers, all of us that were invited also received the new Keurig 2.0 K550 Brewing System to enjoy and review if we should so choose. YES, for […] Read more…

It’s Not Saturday!!

So, I got up this morning ready to do my “It’s Saturday” jig when I realized…. IT’S NOT SATURDAY!!! Ugh, the nerve of Friday being here and ruining my joy over thinking it was Saturday. There is one thing wonderful about it being Friday… I have my weekly trek over to Philz Coffee today with […] Read more…

Java Lovin’

Do you love coffee? Are you in the Bay Area? If you answered yes to these 2 questions, do yourself a favor and head to a Philz Coffee. They have 8 Bay Area locations. Trust me here people…this is the BEST coffee I have ever had! As the tagline reads, they make their coffee one […] Read more…

holding a hot cup

Unfocused Fridays – Morning Coffee or Tea

First, let me state, the title of this post is somewhat misleading seeing as I’m not opposed to either morning coffee or tea. Also, this is the first post that I’m including the words “Unfocused Friday” in the title. I thought it would be fun to share something random on Fridays (though at times it […] Read more…