This is what one of the outside walls of my studio looks like:
Just a bunch of random junk stuff I’ve accumulated throughout the years. In fact, a lot of this “stuff” has been given to me. I truly have a hard time turning down anything free – anything at all. I always try to dream up a use for it all, and even if those dreams sit on the back-burner for a while, I usually get around to something.
One of my garden goals this year is to plant the edible veggies I want to grow among the other flowers, herbs, etc. in my garden. We had a small break in the weather here and I was feeling restless and a bit creative, so I started viewing this pile of “stuff” (yes, I use that term loosely) to see what creative ideas I could come up with. As usual, I had my little assistant on hand to enjoy some sunshine and pipe in with his two cents worth.

Among the “pile” I noticed a stack of these tiles:

So, I decided to use these tiles to create 3 little “love and positive energy” patches to plant some veggies in. Working within the rose garden area of my yard, I laid the tiles out in 3 areas and began removing the dirt within to be replaced with organic planting mix. I’d like to give the new seeds a fighting chance and the soil in this area is super rocky. This soil seems to work fine with the roses and herbs as they have learned to be tough, but since I had some bags of the good stuff on hand, I figured I’d use it.
You can really see the rocky surrounding soil in this shot:
I had enough tiles and sufficient room to create 3 of these areas within the lower portion of the rose garden. Here’s what the final layout looked like. This one I planted some cucumber seeds in the mound of organic potting mix. I placed similar wire guards on the other 2 areas simply because I realized Bubba was a fan of not only sitting on the areas, but licking the organic mix – and I want to give the seeds a fighting chance.
He was a bit disappointed by this decision – or maybe just tired from the digging: