Here we go…my first blog giveaway. Why? you ask…well, simply put because I think it will just be super fun (and of course I’m looking forward to receiving some comments!). Here are the details:
The Giveaway Prizes
My goal, at least initially, with these giveaways will be to support and promote artists that I may or may not know because I love their design and also what they stand for. There are just so many amazing, creative and inspiring people out there that I see and want to share them with you.
For this, my first giveaway, I’ve chosen an amazing woman, mother and artist, Tania from indobay inc. Not only is she incredibly talented and a beautiful person in so many ways, she is also an inspiration. She really lives what she says and tries to “create, love and inspire” every day. She does this through her handmade, handprinted creations and also through raising her adorable son Ty. To find out more about Tania you can read her blog by clicking here. To enter her Etsy shop where you can view all her simple, modern and lovely creations click here.
Tania created the first item I chose for this giveaway specifically for the A Beautiful Idea Charity Project. This project was created by an artist named Evie Shaffer who blogs about beautiful things, crafts, and inspirations. Her goal is to motivate artists to use their gifts to change the world. For this project an artist creates a product, sells it online then donates the money she receives to a charity.This is exactly what Tania has done with the first item I chose to giveaway – the wooden “hope” egg.

Tania’s intention behind creating this little wooden “hope” egg was “to bring a bit of hope to those in need and a small glimmer of better times to come”.
Simply and beautifully put.
The little wooden egg comes nestled in a nest of shredded aspen wood inside a wood chip box and was definitely created with love & hope! Perfect for someone who appreciates sentiments that are slightly quirky but full of charm and thought. Someone who has an appreciation for individuality, symbols of new beginnings, life and simple beauty.
(please tell me now why I’m giving this away and not just keeping this for myself)
The second item for this giveaway round is Tania’s interpretation of a “Modern Carrier Pigeon”.

This little bird wants to spread happy messages. He arrives with a little clay square etched with a heart and a small wooden tag. The tag has been left blank for you to adorn. In the picture above it says “I Love You”. He comes safely nestled in a little nest inside a small cardboard box.
I promise to post the names of the winners so you can be sure I’m not keeping both of these precious items for myself…though I do admit to being very, very tempted.
Now the “rules” and I do say “rules” lightly as I will do my best to follow them. I’m going to pick the winners by random. Anyone is welcome to enter. If this is your first time commenting on my blog, I will have to accept you before your comment will post. I will try to be timely on this. I have it set up this way to prevent “spam” comments from being posted. After your first comment is accepted, you will be able to comment from then on without my approval. I have been trying to get the comments to be numbered on my blog, but so far I’ve had no success. I do not want to delay these giveaways any longer due to this. I will create a file with numbers added to the comments there and then use a randomizer to choose the winning numbers. Click here to view the site I will choose to select the random numbers (if you’re curious).
Now, what to comment on….it’s not hard I promise.
I’d love to hear what inspires you. Anything that inspires you in any way (i.e. to create, to love, to work, to give, to be healthier, etc.)
Sharing all these positive thoughts inspirations could make beautiful things happen for all of us.
Entries accepted through Monday, July 12th at 6 pm Pacific Time. Winners announced Tuesday, July 13th. Enter as many times as you’d like.
21 Comments on First Blog Giveaway – indobay, inc.
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Your giveaway item is just so beautiful! What a great find! I’ve enjoyed browsing your blog, found you through SITS Blog Frog Community.
I know I am too late for the contest but I wanted to comment anyway and let you know i love your blog. :) I just found you on Bloggy Moms and I following you. I am doing my first giveaway on my blog also and just wanted to show support from one mommy to another. I look forward to reading your blog. and
Lita, thank you so much for hosting this sweet giveaway. I heard about it from Tania. Isn’t she a beauty – inside and out? All her work is gorgeous and the pieces you featured really say a lot about Tania’s spirit.
I’ve come to realize that being inspired by as many things as possible really makes a full life. A constant curiosity about everything on our beautiful planet can change the way you live your life and interact with others. I savor the simple things and so am most inspired by nature. It’s the gift that keeps on giving! Secondly, the inspiration I receive from other artists is significant. As you say, there is so much amazing talent out there – I take joy in their work and also use that energy to create. Living a life filled with gratitude for loved ones, small pleasures and our precious planet can inspire us every day.
I work with kids and they inspire me! I love their smiles, the sound of their laughter, their sense of adventure… everything! Working with them keeps me young and energized!
The wonder and awe of life inspires me. The
beauty of the changing seasons, the way it feels
to put on a favorite sweater come fall. Seeing your children
Grow and develope into such amazing people and all
the love you share through the years. And the fact that
God is in charge and life always, no matter what, has a way
of working out. Life is inspiring!
Dean Matthew…enough said….WHEW! I’m very lucky to have him in my life. My friend Jenna (my back bone). Lei, my beautiful niece, she is my savor.
Ah, what inspires me. So many things…
An easy one,
People think you have to be a great dancer or have training. (like Jen)
Dance is really just gestures to music in a somewhat rhythmic fashion. Anyone and everyone can dance. Moving to music brings joy into your being and energizes you. If you’re having fun, you’re a great dancer.
Turn up the tunes and shake a little! You’ll be glad you did.
My kids – their ability to laugh so easily and sense of wonder when encountering the simple things I have long stopped seeing. Their strength when dealing with the “honesty” of other children and genius in seeing the positive in any situation. Pure curiosity about the most basic of things and how they works. Simply amazing and two of the main reasons I look forward to getting up each day.
Sally, well of course your children inspire you….they come from you!! You created these wonderful boys who are simply joys to be around! I miss you guys and we have to get together soon – they’re just getting to big too fast! Thanks for visiting – Jen
You inspire me. I love your enthusiasm for your family and friends. You are my best friend.
Life inspires me. I want to live, love, laugh…I want to look around me and be inspired by everything
Michelle – thank you for visiting my blog…I love, love, love your site and the design inspiration and giveaways! Wow! how do you do it all?! Thank you also for sharing your inspiration….so true thanks for the reminder we all need to stop and look around! ~ jen
My son inspires me.
Following you from:
[found you on bloggy moms]
Nicole – thanks so much for visiting my blog. Your blog – and your precious son are simply beautiful…I can see how he would be your inspiration. Thanks so much for sharing!
What inspires me? My need to feel productive and like my old self…and my kid..and the fact that I need to do what it takes to make his future brighter than mine…and with this I juggle all the various roles in my life
Good luck with the giveaway.
Like Lola, I am also inspired by my daughter. She’s so full of life and has so much curiosity. I wonder where some of the stuff she does or says comes from. She inspires me to be the best mother that I can be, to be able to provide for her in every possible way that I can. This year has been a wonderful year for us! I believe that staying optimistic in life will help you live a happy life!
YES!! your daughter is definitely inspirational…and adorable!! That’s why we all love her so much!!! Thanks for commenting and visiting and supporting and…and…and…xoxo jen
oooh, I like the “hope” egg…
You’re awesome, Lita!
I am constantly inspired by my children’s abilities to so easily entertain themselves. my little guy can make anything into a telephone (post card, sponge, sock) so he can walk around the house talking to daddy at work.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for sharing your inspirations! ~jen