home sweet home

Ok, that doesn’t sound too bad does it??

It’s not, and I’m not complaining…well, except I would’ve liked more time to blog about our trip this week.

I have more photos from beautiful Lake Tahoe coming soon…what a fabulous time of year to visit the lake! There’s still snow on the mountains, the air is clear and crisp and we enjoyed plenty of sunshine on our hikes!

I’ve been back at work this week – and we’re a bit busy..YAHOO!! that’s always good news – especially in this economy.

Here’s how the baby bulldog felt when we returned:
tired Bubba

Can you appreciate how absolutely ridiculous this little guy is?

He’s a constant clown and a real joy in our lives.

See how his little chops are showing??? While he was dreaming here, his lips and eyelids were moving like crazy – kinda like he was re-telling a tale of our trip to his dream buddies. It was so CUTE!

(If I was a good blogger, I would’ve grabbed my “charged” video camera and taken a video clip!)

One of the joys of coming home were these “treats” I found in the garden:

strawberries from the garden

It may not seem “miraculous” to you, but, I promise, every year I miss getting any strawberries out of our yard. Usually, something (and I truly don’t know what) gets to them first…and just takes one bite out of each berry – making them inedible. It’s so frustrating!!

This year, I feel accomplished by getting to eat these 5!!

There was a 6th and I gave it to Pops – sshhhh he thinks he got the magic berry..he has no idea I had already eaten 5!!

That’s the big excitement here this week.

I promise, fun tales coming soon…but in the meantime:

tired Bubba2

here’s some more tired Bubbaloooooooo!!!

~ Lita


1 Comment on Back to Reality

  1. oh, my gosh. it’s IMPOSSIBLE to get strawberries. the little critters just eat them faster than they can grow! my mom’s are completely nibbled by chipmunks.

    that bubbaface is too cuuuuute!

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