As you may have noticed, this week I was gone and away from my computer a lot!

You see, our anniversary falls every year over the President’s Day weekend, so we always have a bit of extra time off that we like to spend together.

We actually picked this date to get married based on the fact that schools are always closed over President’s Day, and around here, usually the whole following week. This gives everyone some extra time to travel and play. Since Pops was a teacher when we got married and since we had two girls who were in school with the week off, it seemed like the perfect time to have a wedding in Florida and spend our honeymoon at Disney.


Though not everything in the past 18 years has been perfect, the fun we’ve had, the laughs we’ve  shared and the love we’ve all built makes me proud to be part of this clan.

So, in celebrating our years together, we went away on a short distance vacation to the beach in Monterey (about an hour away).

The monkeys came of course and we had a fun and relaxing time.

I thought I’d share a little bit of the fun we had (I apologize in advance if you’re living in one of those parts of the world where winter has you blanketed in snow):

We spent time at the park,

time in the pool and jacuzzi

and, time walking on the beach.

Bubba was up for the road trip too – and we all know how much he LOVES the beach.

We’re back in town now – though Pop’s is off again this weekend to surf with some friends, and I threw out my back somehow – ugh, so things might be a little slow around this blog through the weekend, but in any case, I hope everyone had a fabulous week filled with lots of love and hugs!

Happy Friday,
