
family in Madrid, NM

A Momentous Occasion

It’s all in the art of being related.It’s all in the art of seeking unity.It is a special, precious experience. 2 ½ years ago, my nephew Rob Hendricks was perusing Ancestry DNA and discovered a woman in our family tree who shared 27% of my DNA. After thorough consideration, we deduced that she could only […] Read more…

Happy 75th Birthday

My best friend celebrates his 75th Birthday today! To say this is a milestone that should be rejoiced is an understatement – especially after this past month! I would venture to guess that most people that know him love him for various reasons. From being their favorite teacher, fun-loving surf buddy, exciting mountain-bike adventurer and […] Read more…

Catching up on Summer

How true is it when they say as you get older the days, weeks and months move by faster? I can hardly believe it is almost August this year! Summer seems to be just flying by. I’m currently on a “social-media-fast” – not just as an experiment, but as an effort to understand what is […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday

Well, almost wordless. Here are a few pics of life around here this past week. Of course, they focus on my favorite things – Grandsons, Bubba and Food!! Read more…

Disney’s Alice Through the Looking Glass

I was fortunate enough to preview Disney’s Alice Through the Looking Glass on Tuesday night, so I’ll add a no-spoiler little review here before my previous informational post about the movie. Disney’s Alice Movie Review Open up your imagination and let it soar – as you should when seeing any movie directed by Tim Burton. […] Read more…

Malibu Day 1 – 2015

We took the monkeys on a road trip for a few days of fun in Malibu in Southern California!!  Of course, all road trips have their tasty snack-attack stops as seen above! We arrive at Paradise Cove to stay with our great friend Sam who is house-sitting our friend Gary’s house – and OH what […] Read more…



Aaahh this boy!! My youngest Grandson Westly – my hubby’s “mini-me”. He is in-a-word just AWESOME! He keeps us all so very entertained with his constant chatter, ideas, expressions and love. He has such incredible self-expression and self-confidence and oh my gosh I hope he never loses these parts of himself. I hope he never finds […] Read more…

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays from me and my crew…yep this is us. We don’t seem to take those lovely family pics – which is why I fit in here oh-so-well!   We all have our qwerks, our unique abilities, our likes and dislikes, (the inability to stand still for a photo being one of them) and I […] Read more…

Our Little Scottish Dancer

We have another star in our family. Westly, at age 5 (almost 6) already has a love of the stage. We knew he had a love of dance with his previous tap performances for family and friends. And now we know he has the Scottish Dancing Bug!! I’m sure you can’t help but notice how […] Read more…

Cruisin’ Day 3

Day 3 of our cruise was supposed to be a stop in Oregon…unfortunately, the waters in the harbor were too rough for us to dock. Fortunately, there’s lots of playing to be done on the ship….and playing is something that these 3 guys are really good at! AND also lots of lounging and swimming to […] Read more…

Cruisin’ Day 2

On to Day 2 of our Cruise…actually, this is so much fun posting weeks later, not that it’s been fun being under the weather, but it’s fun re-living our cruise again now through these photos. Day 2 began, well, with food of course…but then we were on to checking out more of the ship – […] Read more…

Family Cruisin’

Hello!!! I’m back…well, at least I hope so. Where’ve I been…well, in a nutshell – sick, on a cruise, touring Vancouver Island and well, then sick again. Alas, I’m hopefully on the mend now…fingers crossed. At least well enough to take the time to view all my trip photographs and to start posting about our […] Read more…

for 45 Years

For 45 years I was blessed to have my Memere in my life. Not a moment goes by since her passing last week that I am not grateful for this. Though our worlds went in very separate directions as I grew to adulthood, our lives will forever be intrinsically connected if, for no other reason than, […] Read more…

Baseball Season Begins

This year we have both monkeys playing baseball – which means we’ll be getting tons of field time – and I’ll be getting tons of photos!! Here are some from week #1’s games: Hunter is playing AA ball this year. I’m not sure I can get over how very grown-up he looks already!! Westly is […] Read more…

Friday Fun – iPhone pics week of Feb 28

Here are a few photos snapped with my iPhone this week: Tried a new Japanese place near work for some tasty veggie sushi!! Blush Raw Bar – I’ll definitely be going back for more (I love the mint on the top of the roll)!! We got some rain (finally) this week, so this bulldog showed […] Read more…

Day at Disney

Seriously, I LOVE Disney….not as much as I love the two handsome guys above, but, truly, I LOVE it A LOT!!! (and I might add, that I don’t even pretend to understand those who don’t…I mean what’s wrong with having some fun with our imaginations – we ALL can use that!) So, during this past […] Read more…

20 Years Ago – January 15, 1994

Crazy as it may seem, 20 years ago today, I met the man of my dreams. Me, on a weekend jaunt up to the Mendocino area (with my friend Sherry from work) to check out the area, hike and play tourists (neither one of us being native Californians). Jimi, on a winter surf trek to […] Read more…

Thanksgiving in Yosemite

This Thanksgiving, Pops, myself and the whole crew went to Yosemite for a few days. Needless to say the views were amazing – I simply LOVE this park! The days were cool – with a nice chill in the air! The air was super clear – making for a great time to snap some photos! […] Read more…

Westly is FOUR!

On the one hand, it’s super exciting…on the other, how did time fly by so fast!! Not to dwell on that, here’s what made his 4th birthday super fun! First, the bounce house – um, more correctly the CARS bounce house! A tasty lunch with friends: Some Pinata action: Next event…your big brother playing “Happy […] Read more…

Hunter’s First Soccer Game 2012

I was at this game, less than a week ago, taking these photographs…. I uploaded them last night and started reviewing them this morning…. and then realized I have just one question….. When did Hunter get so BIG?!?!? Expect more photos of his games in the future, as I contemplate this question thoroughly.     […] Read more…

Sharing the Fun!

  As you may have noticed, this week I was gone and away from my computer a lot! You see, our anniversary falls every year over the President’s Day weekend, so we always have a bit of extra time off that we like to spend together. We actually picked this date to get married based […] Read more…

The Final Phase

My Mother-In-Law began hospice care yesterday. Needless to say there is much sadness in my family right now. I’ve been no stranger to death in my life and the pain and sadness that comes along with it…and the grieving that follows. I’m by no means an expert in what to do or how to behave, […] Read more…

A Moment to Brag a Bit

Today I’m going to take a moment to brag a bit about my oldest daughter, Libby. A couple of weeks ago she mentions to us, “I’m getting an award at a ceremony in November 8th, would you guys like to come?”. Well, of course we do. She mentions it so casually – which is so […] Read more…

Sunday Sock Monkey Fun

Westly just received a birthday gift from his awesome Grandma Pat…this amazing SOCK MONKEY! The boys just love it…especially because it’s taller than Westly is. Taller now, that is. I’m sure we’ll watch him pass up the sock monkey (and us) over the coming years! Oh, why do they have to grow up?!?!     […] Read more…

BlogHer Sponsor Ella’s Kitchen

There were so very many sponsors at the BlogHer11 expo. So many, that I didn’t even make it through the whole expo. I ran out of time and to be honest, energy. Apparently, the amount of “goodies” or swag you could leave with was monumental. I left with more than enough and in fact, too […] Read more…