One of the amazing things about being in the blogging world is that you hear from incredible people who have unreal stories to tell. Recently, I heard from Heather Von St. James who told me her story of surviving mesothelioma cancer. Mesothelioma cancer is a rare and aggressive form of cancer that primarily develops in the lining of the lungs (read more about it here). When someone is diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer, the prognosis is usually poor, as there is no cure for the disease, and typically it is discovered at a late stage of development. Thankfully, Heather has beaten the odds and even though she was told she wouldn’t live past 15 months, this month (February 2017), marks her 11th year of survival.

Cancer – Lung Leavin’ Day and Smashing Plates
During her treatment, she had her left lung removed in a life changing procedure on what her family has now declared “Lung Leavin’ Day.” They celebrate this day every year by writing their biggest fears on a plate, and smashing the plates into the fire. Each year, she tries to get as many people involved online as she can to use their voice to help build hope and awareness.
We’ve all faced down our own fears in our lives. Many people are facing tough times right now and working on overcoming their fears and struggles. What would we all do without the love, hope and support of others? Even though I feel like I’ve been truly blessed in my life, there have been rough times and grief-stricken times. Without my family and friends and my faith and an underlying belief in the hope of better times, I would have been trapped in a cycle of sadness, depression and hopelessness.
Are you struggling right now? Would you like to write down your fears on a plate and smash them into a fire hoping for some relief and inspiration to conquer your struggles and get through to the other side? Well, you can do that online at this page Heather has set up here. Pick a plate on the screen, type in your fear and SMASH IT!
Go for it!!
What do you think about that? Let yourself feel empowered and have faith of better times to come.
Want more inspiration? Read Heather’s full story here!
I truly hope that any fears and struggles any of you are going through will find resolution soon and that you will have peace. Sending out many blessings for a life of happiness to anyone reading this post.