Summer is almost over for us here, but it wouldn’t be a summer without a visit to the County Fair.

In better economic times, the fair was a lot fancier than it is now, but my precious Grandsons had a great morning with us just the same.
We headed to the fairgrounds early before it got too hot – thank you Pops for that suggestion! The boys saw the rides right away, but they weren’t open yet. It was okay because I wanted to head to see the animals first anyways.
We saw the cows first, but the boys were…well…terrified of them! I couldn’t even get any photos – we had to mooooove away!
I must admit they were awfully loud. So, we headed inside to check out the quieter animals instead.
The boys really liked the goats.
Much more their speed….especially the babies.
Then we checked out the piggies…though they were kinda lazy that morning.

Then, inside for the caged critters…I loved the chickens…here’s my favorite one:

Here’s Westly’s favorites:

Then the boys watched a wonderful puppet show put on by some of the local 4H kids.
After lunch it was finally time for some rides.
The boys even got Pops to go on a ride with them.

We know we had a successfully, fun day when
Westly looked like this when we left.
Hope you had a lot of summer fun this year too!
3 Comments on County Fair
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That pig looks plastic- OMG that’s a lot of pork! I came by to say hi and echo the same sentiments I wish I had a chance to get to know you at BBC SF. Hopefully I will see you at another one next year – its a great line up!
what absolutely gorgeous boys! my parents used to take us to a county fair when we were that little. our favorite part was the bunny barn and pig races– they used to have pot bellied pigs amble about a short track. probably a bit cruel in hindsight, but piglets are beyond adorable.
Thanks so much..they’re so much fun to spend time with – I just love doing all the “kid” things with them – fairs, theme parks, etc. Years ago I did some freelance work for the fair here and we had baby piglets you could name and pot bellied pig races, etc. I agree, it was incredibly cute to watch. With this economy, our fair has quieted down so’s a shame really..but the boys had a blast!