Everyday Adventures

tv shows

A Bit of Reality and then Some Fun

Reality First Please tell me how one goes to bed at night feeling just fine and wakes up the next morning feeling like spikes are being hammered into her back? And three days later as she feels like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel of pain, she wakes up in the middle […] Read more…

Jim & Jen at Golden Gate

Surprise Blog Post Fun in 2022

Well hello….if there is anyone out there reading this! I’ve been away from blogging for far, far too long. I think I fit in with a bunch of “bloggers” who have also gotten away from actually blogging and instead rely solely on social media to send out ideas, images and other creative folly. Blogging Again […] Read more…

macro leave photo

Happy New Year – 2021

Happy New Year Everyone! This month my blog will be 11 years old! I almost can’t believe it and am hoping I will be motivated to post more this year than I have in the past few. I believe I posted a total of ONE time last year, so exceeding that goal should not be […] Read more…

RV Trip Items

A New Adventure – RV Travel

Pops and I are getting ready to begin a new kind of traveling adventure for us – RV Travel. We’re preparing for an almost month-long RV Travel trip across the Northwest U.S. beginning in Denver, Colorado and ending up here back at home! We’re definitely newbies to RV travel, so I’ll be posting and sharing […] Read more…



Jimi and I recently spent a weekend in the small, central California coastal town of Cayucos. We haven’t been there in years and it was so nice to see this little gem of a town is still there very much unchanged. We didn’t visit under the best of circumstances, but I feel that we made […] Read more…

The racing guys

GoKart Fun

GoKart racing is seriously one of the favorite “outside-the-office” events at my company – at least among those of the “testosterone” persuasion. Of course, everyone is invited, but it seems this event really appeals to the men I work with. Do you want to know who else it appeals to? Jimi – aka Pops – […] Read more…

Devil's Slide visit in June

June 2017 Photo Adventures

Ready for my June 2017 photo adventures and fun re-cap? We spent a lot of time in San Francisco this past June – which is always a good thing. Here are some of my favorite photos from special moments this past month. San Francisco and Our Sondors Electric Bikes We really enjoy taking our Sondors […] Read more…

face your fashion fears

Face Your Fashion Fears

After 48+ years on this Earth, I have learned that absolutes and extremes can change through time especially as related to personal fashion and style. My own personal style has changed a lot over the years. I’m definitely not living in the “New Wave 80’s” style I found fashionable in High School and College. Nowadays, I […] Read more…

Finding Peace

5 Tips for Finding Peace in the New Year

I’m an optimist. Always have been and always hope to be. I’m not saying I haven’t had “down” times. I have, but overall, I think I’m a pretty upbeat person. So, I thought I’d share 5 of the tips I use for finding peace that I hope will bring about more happiness and joy in […] Read more…

Longridge Open Space

September Wrap-Up

Wow, September has come and gone so quickly! We’re one week into October and I’m finally getting around to wrapping up the little bits of fun we had during this past month. Some day I’ll actually post about my “weekday” schedule including work and what I do each day when I head to the office, but […] Read more…

End of August Wrap-Up

End of August photo sharing of some of the fun happening around my world lately. Happy Long Weekend Everyone! Read more…


Our LOVE of Hiking

If you follow me (well, US actually – me and Jimi) on other social media channels (especially Snapchat – litasworldjen), then you know we have a true love of hiking. We taken many hikes through our 20+ years together from the exotic to the urban to the everyday. AND, we’ve loved them all. The beauty of […] Read more…

litasworld snapchat

Are You Using Snapchat

Honestly, I confess, I’m pretty obsessed with using Snapchat lately. As a social media outlet, I find it so much fun to share the bits and pieces of my day with this app. AND don’t even get me started with all the fun filters you can use! Even Jimi has gotten into the fun of […] Read more…

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Lions, Tigers & Bears OR Blogging, Opinions & Stuff

Wow, there are a lot of “opinions” out there lately! Opinions on many, many topics. The blogging world has been shaken around this week with controversy over “Mommy Bloggers” and truths and authenticity and the judgements have been released like a swarm of locusts. Lots and lots of thoughts and opinions have been shared: Strong Opinions […] Read more…

San Francisco Spring Break

San Francisco – City by the Bay -The City – whatever you call it, I’m sure you’ll agree it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We are so lucky to live close to such an amazing place and also lucky we were able to spend 3 days there recently with the monkeys […] Read more…


Here’s a little Wordless Wednesday post of photos from our recent cruise ship stop in Nassau in the Bahamas. The sky this day was full of mystery making for some dramatic pics! More cruise ship photos and fun posts are coming!!! Read more…

Wordless Wednesday

Well, almost wordless. Here are a few pics of life around here this past week. Of course, they focus on my favorite things – Grandsons, Bubba and Food!! Read more…

Disney’s Alice Through the Looking Glass

I was fortunate enough to preview Disney’s Alice Through the Looking Glass on Tuesday night, so I’ll add a no-spoiler little review here before my previous informational post about the movie. Disney’s Alice Movie Review Open up your imagination and let it soar – as you should when seeing any movie directed by Tim Burton. […] Read more…

Happy New Year!!

WOW 2016 is here!!! It seems like forever since I’ve gotten on this blog – sorry about that! I hope all of you are following along on Facebook, Instagram and now Snapchat (litasworldjen) as I definitely post there much more often. There’s just never enough time!! Ugh…okay, New Year’s Resolution #1 – stop saying “I don’t […] Read more…

Halloween Prep in Los Gatos

Our town is getting their “HALLOWEEN” on!! I’m so excited…it’s so much fun here and I’m so thrilled to live in an town that gets into the fun of it! Here are some photos I’ve been snapping on our morning walks!! And now for the cutest pic: HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!!!   Read more…

Vegan Vancouver

Just another quick phone post during our way-too-brief stay here in Vancouver before our cruise. I love this city for so many reasons – one being the amazing variety of food. On all our trips here, we’ve never eaten at the same place twice and always had delicious food!! Tonight, as we were just roaming […] Read more…

Spring Fun

Springtime Begins

I hesitate to even speak of Springtime as most of my New England relatives deal with yet more snow! but…. there are absolutely beautiful signs of Spring happening around here. First, there’s the arrival of Martha Stewart’s April/Springtime/Easter magazine edition: Which I happily got to enjoy reading while sitting at the park as the bulldog roamed […] Read more…