
pops, daughters, grandsons, bubba, etc


Pop’s and I go for walks everyday. We love walking and we’re so lucky, we live in an amazing town for walking. We’re also very spoiled and live close enough to incredible places to take walks and incredible trails to hike. One of our favorite places to walk is in Palo Alto at Stanford University. […] Read more…

My Girls

My daughters – and how they looked when I met them over 16 years ago. Yep, I’m a Stepmom. Not that huge, crooked nose with warts kind of Stepmom (at least I hope not – well my nose is a bit large), but I mean that incredibly lucky kind. Being a Stepmom is special in […] Read more…


Here they are….Bubba (my baby bulldog) and Lucy…the rascals. Tusslers really. They have absolutely no idea that my life doesn’t revolve around them. They look cute and innocent, but don’t let them fool you. They’re both incredibly spoiled. Read more…