
pops, daughters, grandsons, bubba, etc

When Pops is away….

Pops is away for the next week. He’s off in Mexico on a surf trip with his buddies. One word describes the moment… aaaahhh!   Don’t get my wrong, he’s the love of my life, my soulmate, the yin to my yang…all of that, but in a moment of honesty, it’s so nice to have […] Read more…

Beach Toy Advice

I have a feeling we’re going to be making quite a few trips to the beach this summer if we’ll have as much fun as we had this past weekend. Here in Northern California the weather at the coast can be hit or miss in the summertime – you can have a gorgeous sunny day […] Read more…

Boy’s Game Night

I must say, my Grandsons are just so much FUN right now! Westly is just chatting up a storm lately and Hunter, well, he’s just the absolute handsome angel that you see in these photos. I often get a bit jealous that Pops is retired and can spend so much more time with them just […] Read more…

Cure for the Blahs…

It’s true, last week was pretty blah for me, but, today… I found the cure. It’s these 3 guys…Westly, Pops & Hunter. Pops loves to take these two monkeys to the park on Saturday mornings. I felt like today, Bubba & I had to show up unexpectedly and invade their “boy” time to join in […] Read more…

Cookbook Winners (and some Bubba)

So, so sorry for the delay with this day’s winners – the LOVE has just been overwhelming…and I’m simply basking in it!! The two winners of the cookbook of their choice are: Sue Favorite foods are fruits and veggies. I’m not vegan, but love all the fresh things and try to do as little processed […] Read more…

Harley Bubba

Of course, we couldn’t go on vacation and return with nothing for our precious bulldog, so, here’s what Bubba-loo received: His very own, stylish, Harley sweatshirt (with hood). He paraded his “beefcake” look all around our town this morning – to a lot of positive reviews. He was very pleased with himself after his “fashion […] Read more…

Ciao Texas

Today, we left Texas. I’m sure we’ll be back soon. We had a fun trip and loved seeing and catching up with family! Tomorrow, back to reality…and oh yeah….work :) Happy Tuesday, ~ Lita Read more…

Texas Visit – Day 1

Day 1 has been very relaxing so far. Happy to say, Pop’s mom, Mimi (yes, our youngest daughter is named after her) is doing well at 90 years of age. She’s a real Southern lady and still makes it to the beauty parlor every week to have her hair and nails done. She also always […] Read more…

Out with the Old….

well, at least for this week, I’m going to mix it up a bit around here. So, I know it’s “Green Tip Tuesday” just like I knew yesterday was “Meatless Monday”, but since I didn’t follow through on yesterday, I say, why should I today??? Instead, I’m just going to ramble…and through this rambling maybe […] Read more…

Saturday Morning Calm Inspiration

I send happy weekend wishes out to the world as I sit here on this chilly (40 degree) Saturday morning listening to the sounds of my oldest Grandson Hunter and my hubby Pops as they read books, put together puzzles and make up games in the living room. They’re having their “boy” fun time and […] Read more…

The Christmas Quilt

Have I told you how very, very talented my mother is? This Christmas I received an incredible handmade gift from her. Over the past year, I heard her often speaking of a Christmas quilt she was working on. In fact, many times I asked her to email me photos of it and her progress. I […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday – Holiday of Lights Fun

Earlier this week, Pops and I took Mimi, Hunter and Westly to Gilroy Gardens Holiday of Lights. It was a chilly night here (no, not compared to the rest of the country), but we kept super warm laughing and having fun with the boys. Here are some photos from the fun: Let’s just keep the […] Read more…

Crazy Christmas Week

This week has been INSANE!! I swear every year I say this is not going to happen…and I start all the preparations early. My decorations were up before Thanksgiving week was over. Most of my presents were purchased before the second week of December began…the problem is the word “most” in that sentence. The reason […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday – All Bubba

All Bubba All THE Time Photo shot by our friend Wendy Photo shot by our friend Greg Bubba hiking in the rain – wearing his Mickie Mouse raincoat Photo shot again by our friend Greg Another sweet shot taken by Wendy And, finally, Bubba “action dog” leaping for Wendy’s son Daniel ~ Lita Read more…

A Blessed Year

I have no problem admitting today is my birthday….I know some women do. I also have no issue with admitting I just turned 42. The reason I have no problem with saying these things is simple… This past year, I’ve felt so BLESSED! Blessed to have another amazing year of marriage to my best friend. […] Read more…

Holiday Skating Party

Last night we had our company holiday party. Pretty good, I think, for a company who’s financial stress at the end of last year didn’t afford us a holiday party. Even better was the fact that this year the party included family members – including children! Topping that was that the party was held at […] Read more…

Tree Decorating Lessons

I thought I knew everything about tree decorating. I mean, I did decorate no less than 4 trees in my home this year alone (all different themes). But these guys: Hunter, aka sweet smile and taught me something totally new the other evening. Before the ornament gets put onto the tree…. I now believe I […] Read more…

Christmas Parade

There’s one thing the little town I live in does big… CHRISTMAS! It began last night with the annual town center tree lighting and caroling. After which we started a new tradition at our house of having friends over for homemade soup. I made the potato soup from the recipe I posted a few weeks […] Read more…

Happy Birthday Libby!!

Today, my oldest daughter turns 29. WOW! I met her just after her 12th birthday and love that she’s been in my life almost 17 years now. I simply cannot imagine a life without her and all that she’s brought to mine. There are simply not words to express this to her. I am a […] Read more…

Happy Birthday Mom!

My mom. Words cannot describe how much I love her. She is everything a mom is supposed to be and more. She has always been there for me to support me, to encourage me and to cheer for me as my biggest fan. Though we live on opposite sides of the country, there’s not a […] Read more…

Mimi’s Musings – School Bullying

My youngest step-daughter Mimi is going to be writing occasional guest posts on this blog. Here is her second post: I know that in my introduction blog post I said that my posts would mostly consist of my thoughts on pop culture. I initially intended for this post to be about a list of the […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday – Bubba’s Blessing

Follow my blog with bloglovin Last Monday there was a Pet Blessing at our church in honor of  St. Francis and his love for animals. Pops and I popped over to the church with Bubba on our morning walk so he could be blessed (which was great for my nerves seeing as we’d be leaving […] Read more…

The Big 2

Two years ago today I was in a delivery room watching my oldest daughter Libby give birth to my Grandson Westly a.k.a. “Lini”. That was the second live birth I’ve been able to watch – the first was my nephew Ty. It’s unreal, magical, beautiful and scary all together. I will admit that I spent […] Read more…