
pops, daughters, grandsons, bubba, etc

Our FUN at GapKids Shine On Saturday!

This post is sponsored by GapKids. Check out all the fun Shine On activities at your nearest Gap store. For event dates and locations, visit Gap’s Facebook page and join the conversation on Twitter with hashtag #ShineOn. The boys, Mimi and I had a BLAST at the GapKids store this past Saturday for Shine On […] Read more…

GapKids Shine On Saturdays

This post is sponsored by GapKids. Check out all the fun Shine On activities at your nearest Gap store. For event dates and locations, visit Gap’s Facebook page and join the conversation on Twitter with hashtag #ShineOn. Today, it’s very simple, I have four questions for you: 1. Do you live here in the South […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday – Beach Train

We had a fabulous day taking the Roaring Camp Railroad train to the Santa Cruz Beach and Boardwalk and back. If you’re in the area, I absolutely recommend doing this!     Read more…

Fave 5 Guys!

Were you wondering what happened to my Friday Fabulous Five? Well, this week, my fabulous nephew Ty was in town for a quick visit, so, instead of posting I was enjoying 5 of my Favorite Fabulous guys!! Each one of these cutie pies brings so much love, joy and happiness to my heart there are […] Read more…

Friday’s Fabulous Five!

Ready for the top 5 Fabulous things that happened in my world this week? I hope so and I hope one or more may add some inspiration to your world too – at the least make you smile! This week I had so much fun going to a SF Giant’s Game with my friends Mickie, […] Read more…

England/Scotland Trip Preparations

Next week at this time, I will be on a tour of the beautiful city London. I was there briefly years ago on another tour with my mom. This time I head out again with my mom and in addition to Mimi, Jimi (Pops) and our friends Greg and Dianna. This is Pops’s first tour […] Read more…

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all the fabulous moms I know…step-moms, Grandmoms, birth moms, moms-in-law, stand-in moms, pet moms – any mom who loves another and has ever taken care of a child, pet or other human being…you are AWESOME!!! Enjoy your day and feel the love around you! And much love to my incredible mom […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday – Memory Lane

See the beautiful bride above? That’s my Aunt Ellen (she’s also my Godmother). This past weekend, her daughter Amanda (my cousin) got married in a gorgeous ceremony in North Carolina. I wasn’t able to attend the wedding, but was so grateful for Facebook and the ability to follow the day’s events through photographs posted there. […] Read more…

Putting Yourself First

How do you put yourself first? How does taking time for yourself help make you happier? These are the current “Life Well Lived” Getting Happy questions? WOW – these are big ones. Questions that, unlike Bubba above who only lives in the moment, I don’t think I’ve even mastered the answer to yet – though […] Read more…

Westly AKA Dance MACHINE!

Picture the scene – a school gymnasium…. a first dance (and auction for the parents)… and a 3-year old who’s not afraid to strut his stuff (even though his older brother is the one who actualy goes to the school) You have…. WESTLY – THE DANCE MACHINE!!! He’s not afraid to show you how it’s done […] Read more…

Hunter’s First Soccer Game 2012

I was at this game, less than a week ago, taking these photographs…. I uploaded them last night and started reviewing them this morning…. and then realized I have just one question….. When did Hunter get so BIG?!?!? Expect more photos of his games in the future, as I contemplate this question thoroughly.     […] Read more…

Sharing the Fun!

  As you may have noticed, this week I was gone and away from my computer a lot! You see, our anniversary falls every year over the President’s Day weekend, so we always have a bit of extra time off that we like to spend together. We actually picked this date to get married based […] Read more…

The Final Phase

My Mother-In-Law began hospice care yesterday. Needless to say there is much sadness in my family right now. I’ve been no stranger to death in my life and the pain and sadness that comes along with it…and the grieving that follows. I’m by no means an expert in what to do or how to behave, […] Read more…

Happy Holidays

AND for the BUBBA lovers: Many Blessings to you and your’s this holiday season and hopes for lots of joy in the New Year!       Read more…

A Moment to Brag a Bit

Today I’m going to take a moment to brag a bit about my oldest daughter, Libby. A couple of weeks ago she mentions to us, “I’m getting an award at a ceremony in November 8th, would you guys like to come?”. Well, of course we do. She mentions it so casually – which is so […] Read more…

Sunday Sock Monkey Fun

Westly just received a birthday gift from his awesome Grandma Pat…this amazing SOCK MONKEY! The boys just love it…especially because it’s taller than Westly is. Taller now, that is. I’m sure we’ll watch him pass up the sock monkey (and us) over the coming years! Oh, why do they have to grow up?!?!     […] Read more…

Friday Fun – Puppy Halloween

I love our little town of Los Gatos!! We have family friendly events for EVERYTHING! My favorite is the Halloween celebration for Dogs!! It is absolutely amazing how many people participate and how many stores and businesses support everyone who does. Here are some photos from last Saturday’s fun: The streets were packed with costumed […] Read more…

This Past Week’s Fun in Malibu

Yes, that is a naughty dog up above…though he has no idea that he’s being naughty. I shot this in Malibu this past weekend when we were visiting some friends. It was a long weekend filled with friends – some old, and some new, fun & laughter, love, good food, and GREAT music! Here’s to […] Read more…

How Time Flies

WOW! I was looking over my site – looking for items that need updating. I’ve been trying not to spend a lot of time on continually re-designing my site, but as I was checking out the “My Crew” image to the left, I realized, some updating is necessary. The boys have grown and changed so […] Read more…


This is Komodo the alligator lizard that lives in my garden. A lizard who is now Hunter’s friend. Notice that I am not the one handling Komodo. This is strictly a job for animal loving 6-year old Grandsons (and not squeamish 40-something year old Litas). Most days Komodo gives me quite a start as I […] Read more…

Back to Reality

Ok, that doesn’t sound too bad does it?? It’s not, and I’m not complaining…well, except I would’ve liked more time to blog about our trip this week. I have more photos from beautiful Lake Tahoe coming soon…what a fabulous time of year to visit the lake! There’s still snow on the mountains, the air is […] Read more…

New Chicks in the Family

Here they are…our little girls! Well, they actually live at Libby’s house, but that makes them my little “Grand-chicks”, right? I wanted to post pics from when they were the teeniest, tiniest little cuties, but I swear, they grew overnight! I think this is their teenage phase – don’t they look like they’re suffering from […] Read more…

Mimi’s Path to Dominican Sisterhood

Remember how in the past I mentioned Mimi was considering becoming a Nun? Well, this last weekend, Libby, Hunter, Westly and I joined her in visiting the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. This is a congregation of Holy sisters (nuns) that Mimi has chosen and is hoping to join in the future. We went […] Read more…