Um, so you may have noticed there’s not a lot of posting going on here at the blog this year. I assure you though, there is more posting happening on other social media platforms and hope you will join me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+. I’m finding that finding the time to post has […] Read more…
Lita’s World
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays from me and my crew…yep this is us. We don’t seem to take those lovely family pics – which is why I fit in here oh-so-well! We all have our qwerks, our unique abilities, our likes and dislikes, (the inability to stand still for a photo being one of them) and I […] Read more…
BlogHer Sponsor Ella’s Kitchen
There were so very many sponsors at the BlogHer11 expo. So many, that I didn’t even make it through the whole expo. I ran out of time and to be honest, energy. Apparently, the amount of “goodies” or swag you could leave with was monumental. I left with more than enough and in fact, too […] Read more…
BlogHer 2011 – Thoughts #1
My first BlogHer. WOW! I still feel like I’m processing all I learned, heard, saw, felt, and experienced. I have a feeling I will write quite a few posts sharing all my thoughts as I sort it all out. (Hence the #1 in the title above). This one is just an expression of how I […] Read more…