
Finding Peace

5 Tips for Finding Peace in the New Year

I’m an optimist. Always have been and always hope to be. I’m not saying I haven’t had “down” times. I have, but overall, I think I’m a pretty upbeat person. So, I thought I’d share 5 of the tips I use for finding peace that I hope will bring about more happiness and joy in […] Read more…

Finding Peace

One of my goals this year is to find peace with certain areas of my life. Sounds good, right?! Yes, it sounds good, and my hope is that simply stating this goal will aid in making it come true. So far, so good. One area that I truly want to be at peace with is […] Read more…

Inspiration Thoughts for your Week ahead

Here are some quotes that caught my eye from Terri Trespicio at Whole Living magazine this month. They’re just simple thoughts that, this week, fit in with what I needed to hear. By sharing, I hope they might inspire or motivate you too. “Changing the way you eat may be the most transformative action you […] Read more…

Freedom’s Path

I am blessed with a life in which I can do many things to further my own happiness and those around me. Read more…

Freedom’s Path

We don’t need freedom for ourselves, we need freedom from ourselves. Read more…