Pops is away for the next week. He’s off in Mexico on a surf trip with his buddies.
One word describes the moment…
Don’t get my wrong, he’s the love of my life, my soulmate, the yin to my yang…all of that, but in a moment of honesty, it’s so nice to have a little “me” time.
As you may know, Pops is 20 years older than I am..which means he has retired 20 years before I will!
He retired 3 years ago now, and I’m so very glad he has, but WOW – I think the biggest change here has occurred for me. This isn’t a “bad” thing, but let’s just say he’s always (and I mean ALWAYS) home now when I am. While he was teaching, I had mornings to myself at home…just quiet space. Before that, when we first met, he was often out all day on Saturdays training (he was a triathlete, bicycle racer, runner, etc.), which meant, I had at least Saturdays to myself – or with our girls – and other random hours throughout the week while he was training. Basically, I had more alone time…let’s call it space.
If you know me, you know I’m a bit of a quiet person…with a tad bit of “hermit-like” tendencies (I may have gotten this from my dad). Not that I don’t love, love, love my friends (and family – especially my daughters and grandsons), but to be the best “me” I can be, I need my alone time. Alone time in my house, alone time in my studio, alone time just to be and think and look at my books, my magazines, my photos, my stuff and have silence. It’s my time of inspiration a time to ignite my creative spark.
Pops being the aforementioned “yang” is the opposite – completely outgoing, “Mr. Personality”…the life of the party, always sorta “on”, etc.
Which is exactly why I ADORE him!
and exactly why I look forward to a week with a bit of…..stillness….
While I’ll take it when it comes, I truly wouldn’t choose to have him away. We may be different in so many ways, but we’re also so very connected and interdependent and interconnected.
Does this even make sense?
I hope so, because I just thought tonight (being a low blog reading night) I’d share a little bit about me…a little bit of the personal.
I had a fabulous day with my daughters and grandsons and just simply felt moved to share a little tonight – as I sit here with Bubba attempting to ignore the junk tv that is playing in the background (even though I’ve chosen to have it on).

Happy holiday weekend everyone!! I hope everyone is finding some space to just “be” on this long weekend that leads us into summer.
~ Lita
6 Comments on When Pops is away….
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i know what you mean! my david works from home, and he’s always here, too. he’s out right now, and it’s kind of nice. but i still want him to get home soon!
Isn’t that always the way…when Jimi’s home I want more space, when he’s gone, I want him home… :) aaah men…can’t live with ’em…haha (just had to throw that in)
I’m the same way, I need some space and it’s a rare commodity around here. Enjoy your time!
Thanks Jessica…spent the night organizing our taxes..doesn’t sound like fun, but seeing as we’re already late (filed an extension) it will be a wonderful relief to get them in!
I have found some space to just “be”. I must say Lita, in my younger years, it was all about where we were going, how much fun was I going to have etc, being busy. The best part about this weekend was cooking great and healthy food, the bike ride my husband and I took with our daughter, Kung Foo Panda 2 on the docket today and the hike and chai we shared. Yes I do understand your needing your “me” time…enjoy girl!
So glad you had a great weekend too!! I think I must head back for another chai tomorrow before work…taking the Bubby there too as he’s getting pretty popular at that cafe! have a super week!