Travels & Photos

Information on our trips and photographs I love to take

Cerritos Surf Colony Vacation & Birthday Celebration

See this amazing group of people pictured above? Well, I was lucky enough to spend 5 days last week with them celebrating Nia’s 50th birthday in Mexico. We all stayed at Cerritos Surf Colony on Cerritos Beach in Mexico. Up until a few days before we left, I actually thought there were only 12 of […] Read more…

Westly AKA Dance MACHINE!

Picture the scene – a school gymnasium…. a first dance (and auction for the parents)… and a 3-year old who’s not afraid to strut his stuff (even though his older brother is the one who actualy goes to the school) You have…. WESTLY – THE DANCE MACHINE!!! He’s not afraid to show you how it’s done […] Read more…

Sharing the Fun!

  As you may have noticed, this week I was gone and away from my computer a lot! You see, our anniversary falls every year over the President’s Day weekend, so we always have a bit of extra time off that we like to spend together. We actually picked this date to get married based […] Read more…

Happy Holidays

AND for the BUBBA lovers: Many Blessings to you and your’s this holiday season and hopes for lots of joy in the New Year!       Read more…

Nia’s Happy 50th Birthday

Sorry, I’ve been a bit MIA lately. It’s been a bit hectic around here so far this month and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Gotta love the holidays! Last weekend my good friend Nia celebrated her 50th birthday. She celebrated this amazing milestone as only Nia could…with a lot of fun and with […] Read more…

Yes, I spotted an Elf!

I’m hoping everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving! Truthfully, I’m still enjoying my Tofurky-Day time off as my mom is here visiting for a couple more days. Just to be sure you didn’t think I wasn’t posting because of some food coma injury, I thought I’d check in and post PROOF that the holidays have really […] Read more…

Vancouver Chinatown & Chinese Gardens

When we were visiting and being tourists around Vancouver we couldn’t resist visiting Chinatown and Dr. Sun Yat-Sen’s Classical Chinese Garden. Upon entering Chinatown you first cross under a beautifully ornate gate. I just love all the bright and fabulous colors and details in this gate!!! Next stop…the gardens! I took so many photos here!! […] Read more…

Vancouver from Up High

Back from our amazing trip to Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia. I have lots to share, but today, I’ll simply start with these photos taken from the Vancouver Lookout Tower – one of our tourist stopping points. We enjoyed a 360 degree view of the city from the 430 foot high tower.     lots […] Read more…

How to “Be”?

We’re away from home right now. Visiting one of our “happy” places the Ranch. Usually there are a lot more people here when we are here, and I’m busy socializing, visiting and catching up with them. Today, however, I found myself alone (except for Bubba) for quite a few hours. Free! When I never feel […] Read more…

Scenes from Monterey, CA

Oh how I love Monterey! Luckily, it’s less than an hours drive from my home. There are actually so many gorgeous places  – all different and unique – within an hour or two of my home. I feel so lucky and also always wonder why I don’t visit them more often. I suspect that work […] Read more…

This Past Week’s Fun in Malibu

Yes, that is a naughty dog up above…though he has no idea that he’s being naughty. I shot this in Malibu this past weekend when we were visiting some friends. It was a long weekend filled with friends – some old, and some new, fun & laughter, love, good food, and GREAT music! Here’s to […] Read more…

How Time Flies

WOW! I was looking over my site – looking for items that need updating. I’ve been trying not to spend a lot of time on continually re-designing my site, but as I was checking out the “My Crew” image to the left, I realized, some updating is necessary. The boys have grown and changed so […] Read more…