Blogging Fun

The Skinny Scoop

Have you noticed the fun survey box on the right side of my blog? SkinnyScoop is a quick and easy online surveying tool that helps women who want the skinny to get the scoop. It’s fun, so check it out and let me know what you think. Happy Saturday! ~ Lita Read more…

More Vegan Blogs!!

This morning, I happened to catch a post over at “The Kind Life Blog” which rang out a call to all the vegan bloggers out there to submit their blog for a potential “feature” on their site. Of course, this blog is by Alicia Silverstone author of the book that inspired my whole turn to […] Read more…

Bloggy Moms February Blog Hop

Vegan Blog Hop yesterday, and now Bloggy Moms February Blog Hop today. Why? Well, because I love vegans and I love being a Mommy (and I’ve met the most fabulous bloggy moms on the Bloggy Moms site). Hope you’ll join in the fun!! Read more…

Blog Birthday Week Day 2 – VegNews

Are you ready for Day #2 of I hope so because…. again, today, I’m so grateful for all my readers that I want to share some of my favorite things. Today, I’m giving away 2 subscriptions to VegNews Magazine. I’ve written about VegNews in the past, so I’m sure you know it’s simply, hands down, […] Read more…

Out with the Old….

well, at least for this week, I’m going to mix it up a bit around here. So, I know it’s “Green Tip Tuesday” just like I knew yesterday was “Meatless Monday”, but since I didn’t follow through on yesterday, I say, why should I today??? Instead, I’m just going to ramble…and through this rambling maybe […] Read more…

Nia’s Fitness Challenge!!

I know today is my “Meatless Monday” day, but I’m going to mix it up a bit today. Why? you ask…. Well, because today my good buddy Nia begins her 2011 Fitness Challenge, AND I want to encourage everyone to join me in signing up for this. So, head over to Nia’s site, read about […] Read more…

The Blog Dare 2011

As I’ve previously mentioned via my Facebook page, I will be participating in Bloggy Moms Blog Dare for 2011. The basics of the dare are that you try to write a post a day throughout the year. I’ve already been trying to do this for the past couple of months and I’ve found, I really, […] Read more…


I just found another way to follow my favorite blogs. It’s called I’m going to give it a try – why not?! I already use Google Reader, Feedly (through Firefox) and an app on my iPad called NewsRack. What’s another way to follow for a techie geek like me? If you’d like you can click […] Read more…

Bloggy Boot Camp SF Review

I’m so behind with getting this post up…honestly, my site went a little nutty this week which made me a little wacky (ok, maybe a lot WACKY). Now, I feel calmer –  enough to write about what a wonderful experience Bloggy Boot Camp SF was! I must warn you now…this will be a longer post […] Read more…

Pink Dandy Chatter Sunday Blog Hop

This blog hop will be up for one week! Pink Dandy Chatter started it and I’m so excited to join them and Michelle from This Crazy Life. Joining in on a blog hop is a great way to find new blogs that you love and supporting each other with sweet comments. Make sure you hop […] Read more…

Bloggy Boot Camp San Francisco

I’m so very excited to be going to Bloggy Boot Camp in San Francisco this Saturday!! It’s my first ever blogging convention – yahoo!!! It’s going to be at the Westin St. Francis which is such a beautiful hotel. Here’s a little pic of the dining room: I lived in SF a long time ago […] Read more…

Bella Petite – Sincerely, Nia

This week my good friend, Nia Peeples (who decided to take a much needed vacation) asked me and a few other “inner circle” friends to write guest articles for her  Bella Petite column Sincerely, Nia while she’s away. Needless to say, I was excited and honored that she asked me. Nia and I tend to […] Read more…

ProBlogger Challenge Day 2 – 10 Easy Green Tips

Recycle – simply take the time to do it especially if the bins are provided for you. Meatless Mondays – go meatless one day a week – a reason to try a new tasty recipe. Re-usable Bags – carry your own re-usable grocery bags. Keep them in your car so you always have them with […] Read more…

ProBlogger Challenge – Day 1

Phew! Ok, I’m ready to get going on this ProBlogger challenge of “31 Days to Build a Better Blog”. I’m a couple days behind as I was out of town (actually across the country), but I’m ready to catch up! Day #1: Write an Elevator Pitch for Your Blog Short version: My Journey Through life, […] Read more…