Blogging Fun

tv shows

A Bit of Reality and then Some Fun

Reality First Please tell me how one goes to bed at night feeling just fine and wakes up the next morning feeling like spikes are being hammered into her back? And three days later as she feels like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel of pain, she wakes up in the middle […] Read more…

Jim & Jen at Golden Gate

Surprise Blog Post Fun in 2022

Well hello….if there is anyone out there reading this! I’ve been away from blogging for far, far too long. I think I fit in with a bunch of “bloggers” who have also gotten away from actually blogging and instead rely solely on social media to send out ideas, images and other creative folly. Blogging Again […] Read more…

face your fashion fears

Face Your Fashion Fears

After 48+ years on this Earth, I have learned that absolutes and extremes can change through time especially as related to personal fashion and style. My own personal style has changed a lot over the years. I’m definitely not living in the “New Wave 80’s” style I found fashionable in High School and College. Nowadays, I […] Read more…

Finding Peace

5 Tips for Finding Peace in the New Year

I’m an optimist. Always have been and always hope to be. I’m not saying I haven’t had “down” times. I have, but overall, I think I’m a pretty upbeat person. So, I thought I’d share 5 of the tips I use for finding peace that I hope will bring about more happiness and joy in […] Read more…

End of August Wrap-Up

End of August photo sharing of some of the fun happening around my world lately. Happy Long Weekend Everyone! Read more…

litasworld snapchat

Are You Using Snapchat

Honestly, I confess, I’m pretty obsessed with using Snapchat lately. As a social media outlet, I find it so much fun to share the bits and pieces of my day with this app. AND don’t even get me started with all the fun filters you can use! Even Jimi has gotten into the fun of […] Read more…

blogging opinions header

Lions, Tigers & Bears OR Blogging, Opinions & Stuff

Wow, there are a lot of “opinions” out there lately! Opinions on many, many topics. The blogging world has been shaken around this week with controversy over “Mommy Bloggers” and truths and authenticity and the judgements have been released like a swarm of locusts. Lots and lots of thoughts and opinions have been shared: Strong Opinions […] Read more…


Randomness 2015 – Series #1

Um, so you may have noticed there’s not a lot of posting going on here at the blog this year. I assure you though, there is more posting happening on other social media platforms and hope you will join me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+. I’m finding that finding the time to post has […] Read more…

So, are you getting ready to create your holiday cards?! Or are you one of those people that have had them done and addressed for weeks now?? Hint…I’m not one of those early bird people. I’m still browsing through potential card photos to decide which one(s) I want to use. I feel like I have […] Read more…

Organix South – Theraneem Product Review

A little while back, I was contacted by the good people of Organix South asking if I’d like to try and review a couple of their products. I LOVE this perk in the blogging world and honestly love to share products I’ve tried and love – especially if they can be a benefit to any […] Read more…

Homestyle Breakfast

Some days, we really keep eating simple around our house…especially breakfast. Having tasty items available from the garden helps a lot, too. One of Pop’s (my hubby) favorite breakfasts are what he calls “Homestyle Breakfasts”. This basically means something hot, fresh, quick and tasty. For this breakfast, I simply added some coconut oil to a […] Read more…

Brain Food Bar

Today, my Conscious Box came!! Do you subscribe to this program? I’m subscribed to the “vegan” version and I’m always so happy when it comes and I can sample new vegan snacks and products to see what’s out there. Most of the items that come each month are items I have NOT tried – which […] Read more…

Lemon Rice

Look at this delicious – and easy to prepare – rice dish I recently found at Costco! It’s made my Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods, is vegan, organic and, most importantly, is DELICIOUS!! Most evenings, by the time I get home from work and working out, all I want are easy dishes to prepare for dinner. […] Read more…

Vegan Lasagna (with Tofu)

Happy Meatless Monday! Happy Vegan MoFo 2013! Just happy HAPPY! Today I want to share the vegan lasagna recipe (well, kinda a recipe) that I made last weekend. When I say “kinda” a recipe it’s because most of the time I start with a recipe, but almost always I end up improvising due to a […] Read more…

Vegan Snack ATTACK

Yep, vegans love to snack too!! One of my FAVORITE nut snacks is Mrs. May’s Almond Crunch!! So stinkin’ tasty!!! I love having a couple pieces – especially while sitting at my desk in the afternoons. They’re so satisfying and yummy! Mrs. May’s makes a ton of other tasty, vegan snacks too – check out […] Read more…

Work Day Lunch Share 1

In following with my Vegan MoFo 2013 vegan shares…here’s my first office lunch this month. All the standards here – variants are usually what I add to the dish. Today though, I kept it super simple. Some salad and some cubed tofu a light dressing and….   a little watermelon – YUM! Sometimes I top […] Read more…

Garden Fresh – A Vegan Restaurant

This past weekend (after another fun bike ride), Pops and I tried a “new” (to us) vegan restaurant in Mountain View, CA called Garden Fresh. What a delicious find….a wonderful vegan Chinese cuisine delight!! First, we began our meal with the Basil Moo Shu Rolls. These were served cold and were a perfect treat after […] Read more…

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day everyone! Aaahh how nice to have an extra “weekend” day. Today we’re having the kids over later for dinner and I’m making a vegan lasagna (which I will share photos and details of later). I used to make lasagna a lot, but haven’t in a while and this time instead of hunting […] Read more…

Vegan MoFo 2013

This year I’ve decided to give-it-a-go and participate in Vegan MoFo. What does that mean? …well, for the next month I will post a TON about being vegan…food, recipes, products, etc. AND it’s not just me posting throughout the month…many, many other very cool vegan bloggers will be posting a TON too – and I […] Read more…


Last week Pops and I took a mini trip down to Malibu and the Central Coast of CA (more on those stops later), so finding out today’s word for Susannah Conway’s August Break 2013 is “HOME” seems so appropriate. Returning home means we’re back with our little sweet potato – BUBBA! love this little stinker!   Read more…

PLAY (ball?)

Ready for day 11 of Susannah Conway’s August Break 2013! The prompt today is PLAY!! Something Bubba is always ready for!! I think everyone needs a Frenchie to play ball with!   Read more…