
This is the ONE…you know, the ONE you were looking for and weren’t sure you’d ever find. Well, he’s that ONE for me. We’ve been married for almost 15 years and together for more than 16. We’ve raised two beautiful and amazing daughters and are now blessed whenever we get to play and enjoy our […] Read more…

Breakfast Tasties

Breakfast is a big deal around this house. Mostly due to Pops. I can be seriously bad and skip meals – which is not very good at all for me and causes me to scarf calories later. At home, I like to create tasty breakfast wraps or bagels for us to eat. If Pops gets […] Read more…

Waterlogged yard

This weekend we had a bit of a break from the rain here. Just enough to make me want to pull weeds, plant seeds, and get the garden festivities rolling…..but unfortunately NO CAN DO. All I read lately in the “garden” world is how you should not and I repeat NOT mess with wet soil. […] Read more…

Vegan Cupcakes

A lot of the time, when I cook vegan, I simply substitute a vegan alternative for an animal product in a recipe. There are so many substitutes out there. I’ll include a list of my favorites in another post. Of course, there are also “vegan” recipes out there – yes, really – and my mom […] Read more…

To Vegan or Not to Vegan

I’m certainly not the healthiest person you’ve ever known. But, after being a vegetarian for most of my life (I’ll admit to taking a few years off to cook meaty meals for my daughters and my husband, Pops), I’ve chosen to go Vegan. Now, I try not to be hardcore to the point of alienating […] Read more…


Pop’s and I go for walks everyday. We love walking and we’re so lucky, we live in an amazing town for walking. We’re also very spoiled and live close enough to incredible places to take walks and incredible trails to hike. One of our favorite places to walk is in Palo Alto at Stanford University. […] Read more…


Last night, I went with my “other” family to see Wicked in San Francisco. I, truly, have wanted to see this musical for years. It played in Orlando about 4 years ago. My mother lives near there and went to see it and told me it was a “must”. At that time, the closest city […] Read more…

My Girls

My daughters – and how they looked when I met them over 16 years ago. Yep, I’m a Stepmom. Not that huge, crooked nose with warts kind of Stepmom (at least I hope not – well my nose is a bit large), but I mean that incredibly lucky kind. Being a Stepmom is special in […] Read more…

San Francisco

I LOVE  this city! I moved to California in 1990 – after the big Loma Prieta earthquake shook this whole region. Initially, I came out here to work for only 6-8 weeks. I was asked to help out in the San Jose office of the company I worked for. When I left my boss in […] Read more…


Here they are….Bubba (my baby bulldog) and Lucy…the rascals. Tusslers really. They have absolutely no idea that my life doesn’t revolve around them. They look cute and innocent, but don’t let them fool you. They’re both incredibly spoiled. Read more…

Hi There!!

I’m Lita and I’m very new to this whole blogging thing. I anticipate the look of this site is going to change often – especially with all the lovely themes out there to choose from. My goal will be to create my very own…we’ll see how that goes. But I didn’t want to delay in […] Read more…