
pops, daughters, grandsons, bubba, etc

family in Madrid, NM

A Momentous Occasion

It’s all in the art of being related.It’s all in the art of seeking unity.It is a special, precious experience. 2 ½ years ago, my nephew Rob Hendricks was perusing Ancestry DNA and discovered a woman in our family tree who shared 27% of my DNA. After thorough consideration, we deduced that she could only […] Read more…

Happy 75th Birthday

My best friend celebrates his 75th Birthday today! To say this is a milestone that should be rejoiced is an understatement – especially after this past month! I would venture to guess that most people that know him love him for various reasons. From being their favorite teacher, fun-loving surf buddy, exciting mountain-bike adventurer and […] Read more…

jim&jen at home in Los Gatos

Life – April 2023

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about anything so, I thought I’d catch you up on what’s going on in my Life – April 2023. As Spring is finally approaching, Jimi and I are enjoying warmer weather bike rides, swimming at the club, getting our garden back in shape and returning to the days […] Read more…

Girl Camper Mug

Girl Camping – Wild West Weekend

Recently I went on my very FIRST RV camping trip with my daughter Libby. She helped me become the ultimate “Girl Camper” and find LOVE in this hobby/lifestyle! We joined the Janine Pettit Camp Like a Girl – Wild West Weekend at Inn Town Campground in Nevada City, California. Camp Like a Girl I was […] Read more…

Longridge Open Space

September Wrap-Up

Wow, September has come and gone so quickly! We’re one week into October and I’m finally getting around to wrapping up the little bits of fun we had during this past month. Some day I’ll actually post about my “weekday” schedule including work and what I do each day when I head to the office, but […] Read more…

Visit to Florida

Visit to Florida

Recently (as in last week), I paid a visit to Florida. I lived in Florida for my High School (in Kissimmee) and College (in Tampa) years. And, yes, I even worked at Disney World when I was in High School – aka the BEST JOB EVER!! My Mom still lives in Kissimmee and I made a visit to […] Read more…

San Francisco Spring Break

San Francisco – City by the Bay -The City – whatever you call it, I’m sure you’ll agree it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We are so lucky to live close to such an amazing place and also lucky we were able to spend 3 days there recently with the monkeys […] Read more…

St. Thomas & St. Maarten

Here are some more recent cruise photos to share with you!!! After our first stop in Nassau, our Princess Cruise ship stopped in St. Thomas and St. Maarten. This was in February, a perfect time of year to go to the Caribbean! This was Pops & my 5th cruise with Princess Cruise Lines and it […] Read more…


Here’s a little Wordless Wednesday post of photos from our recent cruise ship stop in Nassau in the Bahamas. The sky this day was full of mystery making for some dramatic pics! More cruise ship photos and fun posts are coming!!! Read more…

Wordless Wednesday

Well, almost wordless. Here are a few pics of life around here this past week. Of course, they focus on my favorite things – Grandsons, Bubba and Food!! Read more…

Disney’s Alice Through the Looking Glass

I was fortunate enough to preview Disney’s Alice Through the Looking Glass on Tuesday night, so I’ll add a no-spoiler little review here before my previous informational post about the movie. Disney’s Alice Movie Review Open up your imagination and let it soar – as you should when seeing any movie directed by Tim Burton. […] Read more…

The Bubbster

It’s 2016 and here he is still doing well. If you have a Frenchie then you know about all the issues that can arise (out of nowhere) with these little ones. Today I just thought I’d post a few very recent pics of Bubba – a little Friday fun! Here he is in his morning […] Read more…

End of Summer Fun

Pops and I were lucky enough to have a few days with the monkeys over Labor Day weekend. Here at some shots of the fun we had visiting Tiburon, Angel Island and Ocean Beach in San Francisco. (Posting from my phone – trying to get used to it since I always have it with me!!) We […] Read more…

Malibu Day 1 – 2015

We took the monkeys on a road trip for a few days of fun in Malibu in Southern California!!  Of course, all road trips have their tasty snack-attack stops as seen above! We arrive at Paradise Cove to stay with our great friend Sam who is house-sitting our friend Gary’s house – and OH what […] Read more…


Train to Sacramento

Even though I haven’t finished posting about our Utah trip (some things came up), I’m leaping ahead to share our train trip adventure from this past week. To kick off summer with the monkeys, Pops and I decided to take the Capitol Corridor Amtrak train from San Jose to Sacramento to visit the train museum […] Read more…


Bubba’s Best Friend

Bubba has a BEST Friend! Meet SIMBA! He’s our neighbor’s dog. They are inseparable when together…and just so stinkin’ cute in their own ways. There’s the sturdy, calmness of Bubbster: He exists with almost a “Zen” quality at times: Just a total relaxer if there ever was one: As opposed to the spunky – almost […] Read more…


Randomness 2015 – Series #1

Um, so you may have noticed there’s not a lot of posting going on here at the blog this year. I assure you though, there is more posting happening on other social media platforms and hope you will join me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+. I’m finding that finding the time to post has […] Read more…



Aaahh this boy!! My youngest Grandson Westly – my hubby’s “mini-me”. He is in-a-word just AWESOME! He keeps us all so very entertained with his constant chatter, ideas, expressions and love. He has such incredible self-expression and self-confidence and oh my gosh I hope he never loses these parts of himself. I hope he never finds […] Read more…

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays from me and my crew…yep this is us. We don’t seem to take those lovely family pics – which is why I fit in here oh-so-well!   We all have our qwerks, our unique abilities, our likes and dislikes, (the inability to stand still for a photo being one of them) and I […] Read more…

Thanksgiving Blessings

Happy Thanksgiving!! I know I’ve been a bit MIA lately…off traveling actually and then, well, working…but I’m back and I have so much to share and to be thankful for. First of all, if you’re actually reading this post…well I’m SOOOO thankful for you. I am just filled with: YOU are why I blog…sharing is […] Read more…


The princesses…my beautiful little cousins. Oh how fun to be that age and to play dress-up!! I just love these photos and had to share them…oh and I just LOVE these two precious girls! First, we have Princess Cadence:   And next, Princess Esme: A fun way to end the week wouldn’t you say?? Happy […] Read more…

Schoola #GivingStyle

My favorite site to purchase gently used children’s clothing (while raising money to support schools in need) Schoola has a new program called #GivingStyle ready for all you fabulous parents to participate in. I’m so excited about this and all the Schoola programs! This amazing company is growing and currently has 3,000 schools that they’re helping.  What does Schoola […] Read more…

Yosemite Fun Photos

Happy Friday everyone!! I just realized that I never posted some photos from our last trip to Yosemite – which was actually a few months ago. So, I thought for some Friday fun, I’d post some here: We brought Bubba with us on this last trip…and took a few little hikes on the valley floor […] Read more…