Everyday Adventures

PLAY (ball?)

Ready for day 11 of Susannah Conway’s August Break 2013! The prompt today is PLAY!! Something Bubba is always ready for!! I think everyone needs a Frenchie to play ball with!   Read more…


Day 10 of Susannah Conway’s August Break 2013! focuses on such a happy color…RED! Summertime red can truly mean watermelon!!! YUM! I also found this “red” photo that I took while visiting a shop in Pescadero a few weeks ago. I really love the color red…maybe that’s why the cabinets in my kitchen are painted that color! […] Read more…


Day 9 of Susannah Conway’s August Break 2013 – word of the day – TASTE!   What could be yummier than the Summer cook-out tastes? My summer favorite…corn and black bean salad – with chopped peppers, tomatoes, red onions, a little olive oil and salt and pepper….yes, please!   Raw veggie plates – pretty much a […] Read more…


WOW today’s prompt from Susannah Conway’s August Break 2013 was a bit tough for me….Diagonal! hmmm…browsing through my pictures, this one above is what I came up with – a shot from Thailand, near the border into Myanmar – in the “Golden Triangle”. Kinda works, right? How about this one…notice the angle of the streets centerline: […] Read more…


Ready for Day 5 of Susannah Conway’s August Break? Today, our prompt is “Close-Up” and I just happen to have these photos of a little squirrel eating some snacks out on our back deck. He’s a hungry little guy – in need of a manicure!  He’s really enjoying that piece of tortilla…and, suprisingly, he’s not being bothered […] Read more…


Here we are at Day 4 of Susannah Conway’s August Break 2013 and the word for the day is LOVE! AND who doesn’t know how much I LOVE this little French wonder boy?!?! I have so many goofy names for him it would be hard to fit them all in here…but the all-time favorite (and one […] Read more…


You’ve probably guessed by now…Susannah Conway’s August Break day 3 prompt is Yellow is also my mother’s favorite color! AND a sure sign of summertime is the availability of fresh summer yellow corn! Happy Summer!       Read more…


Here we are with Day 2 of  Susannah Conway’s August Break 2013! Today’s theme “Circles” fits perfectly with these photos I recently took of Pops in his Scout Patch jacket. How cute is he in this jacket his mom made for him when he was a young scout? She sewed all the patches on herself! He […] Read more…

August Break

Sooooooo…I’m sure you’ve noticed I’ve been a tad bit of a blog slacker lately. Trust me, this is not due to having nothing to say! It’s truly due to having no time to write!! Since it is Summertime, I guess this can be expected. (excuses, excuses, I know) To try to keep things hopping and […] Read more…

Happy New Year!!

I’m hoping that everyone’s new year as been a very HAPPY one so far!! I’m (kinda) ready to get back into the swing of things – I will definitely admit this little break I’ve taken has felt very good and rejuvenating. I’m thinking this blog might be headed in a whole bunch of new directions […] Read more…

Checkin’ In…

Have you missed me?? WOW, I’ve missed blogging!! Sorry I’ve been away so much and, truly, I don’t see that changing much until after the holidays…sorry!! A quick check-in… Yes, our Florida trip was AMAZING and I have tons of photos to go through still and to share: Now we’re getting ready to leave in […] Read more…

Halloween Picture Fun

In case you’ve missed my Facebook obsession with using PicMonkey to create spooky Halloween photos, I thought I’d share them here. I seriously could spend all day creating these – well, if I had all day. But, you don’t need all day because you can create them quickly too! Even Bubba got in on the […] Read more…

Movie Review “Won’t Back Down”

The other night I attended a screening for the new movie “Won’t Back Down” starring Maggie Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Holly Hunter and Rosie Perez. First, who just doesn’t love Maggie Gyllenhaal?? She’s just fabulous and, as you can expect, with actresses like Maggie, Viola and Holly the acting in this movie is simply top notch. […] Read more…

Our FUN at GapKids Shine On Saturday!

This post is sponsored by GapKids. Check out all the fun Shine On activities at your nearest Gap store. For event dates and locations, visit Gap’s Facebook page and join the conversation on Twitter with hashtag #ShineOn. The boys, Mimi and I had a BLAST at the GapKids store this past Saturday for Shine On […] Read more…

Overcoming Fear

How do you overcome your fears the first time you do something or on the first day of a new experience? This is the current “Life Well Lived” Getting Happy question? F.E.A.R. Even saying the word evokes an emotion in me. There have definitely been times in my life where I feel I’ve lived a […] Read more…

GapKids Shine On Saturdays

This post is sponsored by GapKids. Check out all the fun Shine On activities at your nearest Gap store. For event dates and locations, visit Gap’s Facebook page and join the conversation on Twitter with hashtag #ShineOn. Today, it’s very simple, I have four questions for you: 1. Do you live here in the South […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday – Beach Train

We had a fabulous day taking the Roaring Camp Railroad train to the Santa Cruz Beach and Boardwalk and back. If you’re in the area, I absolutely recommend doing this!     Read more…

Putting Yourself First

How do you put yourself first? How does taking time for yourself help make you happier? These are the current “Life Well Lived” Getting Happy questions? WOW – these are big ones. Questions that, unlike Bubba above who only lives in the moment, I don’t think I’ve even mastered the answer to yet – though […] Read more…

Sharing the Fun!

  As you may have noticed, this week I was gone and away from my computer a lot! You see, our anniversary falls every year over the President’s Day weekend, so we always have a bit of extra time off that we like to spend together. We actually picked this date to get married based […] Read more…

Stress-Free Entertaining

Today I thought I’d share a question and my response from the Life Well Lived Getting Organized Panel. First, the Question: What is your best tip for hosting a gathering, get-together or party that is enjoyable and stress-free for both the host and the guests? Ahhh isn’t this just an all-time question? I think one […] Read more…

Valentine’s Day Vegan Handbag Giveaway

Valentine’s Day is Coming!! Truly, I like to celebrate absolutely any reason to spread love in this world!! To celebrate this Valentine’s I’m giving away another vegan handbag created by Susan Nichole! This will be a quick giveaway – only 4 days to enter – so that I have enough time to get the winner […] Read more…

Three Cheers for CHIA! (and for Health)

So, you know those Chia Head/Chia Pet crazy commercials showing those completely hysterical hope-you-don’t-get-one-as-a-white-elephant-gift heads with growing green hair coming out of them? Well, who knew that those little chia seeds used to grow said “hair” on these items were so stinkin’ good for you? I didn’t, until I initially read about them on my […] Read more…

2nd Blog Birthday Handbag Giveaway

Yep, it’s Blog Birthday time again!! WOW, this is the second birthday for this blog and I’m super excited to be starting year #3! To celebrate I’m giving away a vegan handbag created by Susan Nichole! I purchased this one a while ago, and now I’ve noticed that it’s no longer available on the Susan […] Read more…

Creating Happiness in 2012

To start 2012 this question has come up on the BlogHer Life Well Lived Panel: How do you plan to create happiness for yourself in 2012? I actually had been giving this sort of question a lot of thought even before receiving it and even before the new year began. Isn’t creating happiness what we […] Read more…