Everyday Adventures

Happy Holidays

AND for the BUBBA lovers: Many Blessings to you and your’s this holiday season and hopes for lots of joy in the New Year!       Read more…

Nia’s Happy 50th Birthday

Sorry, I’ve been a bit MIA lately. It’s been a bit hectic around here so far this month and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Gotta love the holidays! Last weekend my good friend Nia celebrated her 50th birthday. She celebrated this amazing milestone as only Nia could…with a lot of fun and with […] Read more…

Friday Fun – Puppy Halloween

I love our little town of Los Gatos!! We have family friendly events for EVERYTHING! My favorite is the Halloween celebration for Dogs!! It is absolutely amazing how many people participate and how many stores and businesses support everyone who does. Here are some photos from last Saturday’s fun: The streets were packed with costumed […] Read more…

Happy Fall!

Oh the joy of Fall! I simply love this time of year. The chill in the air, the leaves changing color, the warmth of a toasty fire in the fireplace. I know Spring is supposed to be the season of re-birth, but to me I feel revived in Fall. I love the scents of Fall, […] Read more…

Meatless Monday – Zucchini Muffins

I’ve picked exactly 2 zucchinis from my garden this year. Yes, that’s them in the photo above. Given the cooler weather we’ve had this summer, it’s not surprising, but it is disappointing. Instead of getting too down about it, I decided zucchini muffins were in order – vegan ones at that. Here’s how I made […] Read more…

Loving the Loving Hut

I’m not often out and about without a good plan for eating healthy meals, but a few weeks ago, I was up in San Francisco for an event with a friend of mine, and we found ourselves looking for a quick bite to eat before the evening began. She suggested the local mall’s food court. […] Read more…

This Past Week’s Fun in Malibu

Yes, that is a naughty dog up above…though he has no idea that he’s being naughty. I shot this in Malibu this past weekend when we were visiting some friends. It was a long weekend filled with friends – some old, and some new, fun & laughter, love, good food, and GREAT music! Here’s to […] Read more…

Book Review – Faithful Place

How cool is this? I’ve written my first book review. It’s through BlogHer and for the fiction novel “Faithful Place” by Tana French. I’ve heard many fabulous reviews about the author Tana French, and am now motivated to read her other novels. My attraction to this book was it’s description on being murder/mystery/crime/drama (I kinda […] Read more…

Giveaway – The TomKat Studio

Yahoo!! I’m ready to get back into the “Giveaway” fun. I finally have comments numbering on this blog which should help so much in choosing a winner. To celebrate this fact – and to just celebrate FUN, I’m giving away a $45 gift certificate to what has to be one of my absolute FAVORITE blogs […] Read more…

BlogHer Sponsor Ella’s Kitchen

There were so very many sponsors at the BlogHer11 expo. So many, that I didn’t even make it through the whole expo. I ran out of time and to be honest, energy. Apparently, the amount of “goodies” or swag you could leave with was monumental. I left with more than enough and in fact, too […] Read more…

Being a BlogHer11 Vegan

I express this with JOY!!!! It was absolutely not an issue at all being a vegan at BlogHer11. I was a bit concerned at first, wondering if I would find something in the provided meals and snacks that I could consume. Concerned until I saw: These signs brought me the biggest sense of relief. They […] Read more…

BlogHer, Jimmy Dean and Me

Have you been tortured long enough wondering what I was doing at a Jimmy Dean session during BlogHer11? In all honesty, I am sad to admit that I almost didn’t attend simply because they were the sponsor of the session. I don’t want to be that sort of person or that sort of vegan. I […] Read more…

BlogHer 2011 – Thoughts #1

My first BlogHer. WOW! I still feel like I’m processing all I learned, heard, saw, felt, and experienced. I have a feeling I will write quite a few posts sharing all my thoughts as I sort it all out. (Hence the #1 in the title above). This one is just an expression of how I […] Read more…

Happy Birthday America!

(image thanks to the Crafting Chicks – a great site – you should check it out!) ~ Lita     Read more…

Back to Reality

Ok, that doesn’t sound too bad does it?? It’s not, and I’m not complaining…well, except I would’ve liked more time to blog about our trip this week. I have more photos from beautiful Lake Tahoe coming soon…what a fabulous time of year to visit the lake! There’s still snow on the mountains, the air is […] Read more…

Tahoe – Rubicon Trail to Emerald Bay Hike

As expected, it’s just glorious up here in Lake Tahoe. We’re staying in Incline Village for 5 days with our good friends Greg and Dianna. There is still quite a bit of snow up on the mountaintops making almost every view simply gorgeous. The crisp, clean air just makes the colors seem much more vivid […] Read more…

New Chicks in the Family

Here they are…our little girls! Well, they actually live at Libby’s house, but that makes them my little “Grand-chicks”, right? I wanted to post pics from when they were the teeniest, tiniest little cuties, but I swear, they grew overnight! I think this is their teenage phase – don’t they look like they’re suffering from […] Read more…

Mimi’s Path to Dominican Sisterhood

Remember how in the past I mentioned Mimi was considering becoming a Nun? Well, this last weekend, Libby, Hunter, Westly and I joined her in visiting the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. This is a congregation of Holy sisters (nuns) that Mimi has chosen and is hoping to join in the future. We went […] Read more…

Vegan health Tips

I had a doctor’s appointment today. Not a big deal really, so no worries. Just been feeling a bit off lately and well, having a bit of a skin rash issue. I’ve been a bit in denial about dealing with the rash, but last week when it appeared on my neck (and forehead), I figured, […] Read more…

Favorite Finds of the Week

I think everyone knows I have a magazine addiction. In fact, I think it would be lovely if I could have a job that included reading magazines and sharing fun tidbits from them. So, I thought I’d start a new weekly feature here based on my career aspirations. I typically rip out pages from the […] Read more…

Beach Toy Advice

I have a feeling we’re going to be making quite a few trips to the beach this summer if we’ll have as much fun as we had this past weekend. Here in Northern California the weather at the coast can be hit or miss in the summertime – you can have a gorgeous sunny day […] Read more…