Everyday Adventures

Nia’s Fitness Challenge!!

I know today is my “Meatless Monday” day, but I’m going to mix it up a bit today. Why? you ask…. Well, because today my good buddy Nia begins her 2011 Fitness Challenge, AND I want to encourage everyone to join me in signing up for this. So, head over to Nia’s site, read about […] Read more…

The Blog Dare 2011

As I’ve previously mentioned via my Facebook page, I will be participating in Bloggy Moms Blog Dare for 2011. The basics of the dare are that you try to write a post a day throughout the year. I’ve already been trying to do this for the past couple of months and I’ve found, I really, […] Read more…

A Blessed Year

I have no problem admitting today is my birthday….I know some women do. I also have no issue with admitting I just turned 42. The reason I have no problem with saying these things is simple… This past year, I’ve felt so BLESSED! Blessed to have another amazing year of marriage to my best friend. […] Read more…

Freedom’s Path

I am blessed with a life in which I can do many things to further my own happiness and those around me. Read more…

Unfocused Fridays – Get a Real Problem Lady

For this “Unfocused Friday” my good friend Lisa has written a post about life and emotions – a reminder of how they’re both ever-changing. Just as people experience pain in different ways, one man suffers a hangnail the way others suffer a root canal, I have often wondered how different people experience emotional pain. I […] Read more…

Freedom’s Path

We don’t need freedom for ourselves, we need freedom from ourselves. Read more…

Healthy & Happy Vegan Anniversary!

One year ago this month I made the commitment to go vegan. I’ve been a vegetarian on and off for most of my life, so it didn’t seem like too big of a stretch to go vegan. I’ll admit at first, I had to be more conscious of my choices especially eating out and especially […] Read more…


I just found another way to follow my favorite blogs. It’s called I’m going to give it a try – why not?! I already use Google Reader, Feedly (through Firefox) and an app on my iPad called NewsRack. What’s another way to follow for a techie geek like me? If you’d like you can click […] Read more…

The Great Reno Balloon Race

During our last road trip, Pops and I stopped in Reno to visit our friends Dwight & Erika. We lucked out because while we were there The Great Reno Balloon Race was happening. This is the largest free hot air ballooning event in the Nation. It lasts for 3 days in early September. The event […] Read more…

21-Day Vegan Kickstart

Have you heard of this plan yet? I know, I know, I’m already vegan so why would I do this? Well, I’m vegan, but I’m so not perfect in any way, and I know there’s always more for me to learn. I’m open to new ideas – and especially new recipes. This 21-Day plan starts […] Read more…

We Are Dreamgirls!

The other night I went with my friends, Leilani and Christine, to see the “Dreamgirls” musical in San Francisco. I’m going to admit, I wasn’t the biggest fan of the movie. Don’t get me wrong, the singing was fabulous and Jennifer Hudson and Beyonce were AMAZING, but my two friends, well, they were IN to […] Read more…

Bloggy Boot Camp SF Review

I’m so behind with getting this post up…honestly, my site went a little nutty this week which made me a little wacky (ok, maybe a lot WACKY). Now, I feel calmer –  enough to write about what a wonderful experience Bloggy Boot Camp SF was! I must warn you now…this will be a longer post […] Read more…

County Fair

Summer is almost over for us here, but it wouldn’t be a summer without a visit to the County Fair. In better economic times, the fair was a lot fancier than it is now, but my precious Grandsons had a great morning with us just the same. We headed to the fairgrounds early before it […] Read more…

Pink Dandy Chatter Sunday Blog Hop

This blog hop will be up for one week! Pink Dandy Chatter started it and I’m so excited to join them and Michelle from This Crazy Life. Joining in on a blog hop is a great way to find new blogs that you love and supporting each other with sweet comments. Make sure you hop […] Read more…

Bloggy Boot Camp San Francisco

I’m so very excited to be going to Bloggy Boot Camp in San Francisco this Saturday!! It’s my first ever blogging convention – yahoo!!! It’s going to be at the Westin St. Francis which is such a beautiful hotel. Here’s a little pic of the dining room: I lived in SF a long time ago […] Read more…

For the Love of Music

I love music! Many days I sing in my car at the top of my lungs the whole drive in to work. I don’t really have a genre that I like more than others. I’ll honestly listen to everything from classical to country to bluegrass to pop depending on my mood. I thought I’d make […] Read more…