My Homestead

cooking, vegan, recipes, family, gardening at Lita’s house

Meatless Monday – Vegan Shepards Pie

I’m starting to come around out my fever delirium….finally. AND, tonight (Sunday) I just want something super tasty to eat but super easy to make. I”m missed cooking and “food” this week, so being hungry is a good sign I’m sure. I’m opting for Shepard’s Pie. There are many, many ways to go here, but […] Read more…


P.N.E.U.M.O.N.I.A. Ugh…it was confirmed after my chest x-ray yesterday. No wonder I’m feeling worse than I can ever remember feeling. Sure, I’ve been sick before. But other than some 24 hour bug, I can’t remember the last time I was “sick” sick like this. I’ve also never had such an incredibly painful cough! The cough […] Read more…

This Winter’s Cold

Meet some of my current “best friends”: This winter’s cold is just taking me for a ride. I cannot remember the last time I was this sick..or sick at all. I’m not writing this to complain. I’m writing to share some of the fabulous remedies that have been shared with me. I’m trying any and […] Read more…

Meatless Monday Review

  While working on re-capping our Hawaiian vacation for you, I realized that it’s been a while since I’ve done a re-cap on vegan food alternatives that I use and love. Since it’s “Meatless Monday”, I thought I’d post one today and also link back to some older posts I’ve done. While I do know […] Read more…

Hawaii Update

Just wanted to put up a quick post to let you all know that we’re having a fabulous time! My laptop stopped responding on day 2, so I’m posting from my iPad. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring my camera attachment, so I’m unable to attach photos to this post. I have been putting some up via […] Read more…

Hawaii – Day 1

I’m limiting myself to posting 10 photos from our first day in Hawaii. Why the limit? Well, because, I want to get out there and take more! Here they are: The day began when our friend Sam came to pick us up to take us on an Island tour. Sam lived here when he was […] Read more…

Plane Food Plan

Yes, we flew to Hawaii today..phew we made it even after all my guilty-feelings and preparations. Thanks everyone for your encouragement and support. I’ll admit it takes me a bit to get motivated to go somewhere, but I’m NEVER sorry once I get there. I can tell this trip will be no different! Since it’s […] Read more…


Even though I’m a tad bit manic today trying to prepare and pack for our upcoming trip, I thought I’d take a sec to share some photos of the tulips Pops brought me on our anniversary. I love that he got me flowers I can plant in the ground and enjoy for years to come […] Read more…

Confessions of a Guilty Traveler

I have something to confess…. For all my efforts at making our household greener and more eco-friendly, I fail terribly in one specific area – TRAVEL. I do feel a lot of guilt about this. Unlike my normal reaction to guilt this guilt does nothing to move me to change this behavior. It all began […] Read more…

No More Paper Towels

This may not sound like such a big deal to you. In fact, I really hope it doesn’t – then you may be more inclined to join me. Last year, I made the commitment to not use paper napkins in our home any more. So, all year long (and still today) we’ve used those “fancy” […] Read more…

Meatless Monday – Stuffed Peppers

I had a most serious “SENIOR” moment today! I just now at 7:43 pm realized what happened! This morning, I downloaded the pictures from my camera for this post. As I was downloading, I realized that I haven’t backed up my photos from my computer to my external drive in quite some time. So, I […] Read more…

Happy Anniversary to US!

Yep, 16 years ago today I joined the “Hunter” crew. I gained an amazing spouse and soulmate and two beautiful daughters. Wow, how time flies. I can’t believe it’s already been 16 years of marriage (17 years together). I can’t imagine a different life and feel so blessed I have this one. CHEERS, ~ Lita Read more…


(I’m warning you ahead of time, this is a seriously rambling post…way more than usual) I’m seriously having a FOOD obsession crisis! As in, that’s all I think about..what should I eat, what shouldn’t I? on and on and on….. So, I’ve told you I’m part of Nia’s  Fitness Challenge over at Nia Peeple’s Elements […] Read more…


Since beginning this blog, I’ve really cut back on the freelance design projects I used to work on (outside of my full-time job). It could could be because I’m getting old(er) and find that I simply can’t do as much as I used to do. Or it could be that I simply don’t want to […] Read more…

Meatless Mondays – Vegan Chili

I found this recipe on the C’est La Vegan site (one of my all-time favorite Vegan Recipe sites)..and let me tell you, this is now one of my FAVORITES DISHES! It will be a staple meal in our house!! Ingredients: 2 Tbsp. oil 6 garlic cloves, minced 1 cup chopped white onion 1 lb. defrosted […] Read more…

Cure for the Blahs…

It’s true, last week was pretty blah for me, but, today… I found the cure. It’s these 3 guys…Westly, Pops & Hunter. Pops loves to take these two monkeys to the park on Saturday mornings. I felt like today, Bubba & I had to show up unexpectedly and invade their “boy” time to join in […] Read more…

Fabulous Friday

Using the word “fabulous” in the title is my secret way of trying to uplift myself today. Sorry, I’ve been a slack blogger this week…I kind of have the blahsssssssss….. AND I can find no reason why! Which, I suppose, is a good thing. I started trying to figure out “what’s going on”, “what could […] Read more…

Spring-like Morning

(warning…if you’re town/house/state is still under snow, this could be depressing) Today, on our morning walk, Pops and I noticed that the trees are starting to bloom all over town. We did agree, that this is probably a bit early and fear that some crazy cold-snap could easily still be heading our way. Usually, said […] Read more…

More Vegan Blogs!!

This morning, I happened to catch a post over at “The Kind Life Blog” which rang out a call to all the vegan bloggers out there to submit their blog for a potential “feature” on their site. Of course, this blog is by Alicia Silverstone author of the book that inspired my whole turn to […] Read more…

Winter Weekend in San Francisco

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!! Though the “big” fun we had this weekend had nothing to do with watching the big game, I hope all of you are having fun cheering for your favorite team – hopefully with a big crew of friends and lots of high calorie snacks. Our “big” fun this weekend was heading […] Read more…