Month: January 2011

Cookbook Winners (and some Bubba)

So, so sorry for the delay with this day’s winners – the LOVE has just been overwhelming…and I’m simply basking in it!! The two winners of the cookbook of their choice are: Sue Favorite foods are fruits and veggies. I’m not vegan, but love all the fresh things and try to do as little processed […] Read more…

Winners so far….

This week has been so much fun…with all the giveaways..thank you again to all who entered. There’s still time to enter for the cookbooks and the vegan handbag from Susan Nichole! Here are the winners so far: Day #1 – Scentsy Giveaway – My mom won!! Yahoo! I’m so happy she won because she is […] Read more…

Blog Birthday Week Day #5 – Handbag Giveaway!!

Yahoo!! Day #5 of BLOG BIRTHDAY WEEK In my final giveaway this blog birthday week, I’m giving away this handbag from Susan Nichole: All her products are VEGAN which means they are all made with animal-friendly products. Here are her site details on this purse: Sophia is a Susan Nichole signature bag that’s back by […] Read more…

Blog Birthday Week Day #4 – Cookbooks

Today, we’re heading back on over to the Vegan side. If you enter and win today’s giveaway, you have not just one, or two, but three choices of a prize. Let’s get started with #1 The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone I’m not sure I can say enough about this book. This is the one […] Read more…

Blog Birthday Week Day 3 – Sam Moon Watch

Are you ready for day #3…wow three days in so far. Today, it’s not scented and it’s nothing to do with being vegan or green, today, it’s all about being “girlie”! Yep, even though I’m a vegan and a green gal, I’m also very “girlie”. A frugalista girl at that – as I love a […] Read more…

Blog Birthday Week Day 2 – VegNews

Are you ready for Day #2 of I hope so because…. again, today, I’m so grateful for all my readers that I want to share some of my favorite things. Today, I’m giving away 2 subscriptions to VegNews Magazine. I’ve written about VegNews in the past, so I’m sure you know it’s simply, hands down, […] Read more…

Blog Birthday Week Kick-Off

Yahoo! It’s here…my I think it will be lots of fun to celebrate my 1 year blogging anniversary by sharing some of my favorite things with you, my lovely readers, just because I love ya and appreciate all your support over this last year!! How’s that sound?!?! Let’s get this week of fun started. The […] Read more…

Summer (Garden) Dreamin’

We had a simply gorgeous day here in Northern California. After Pops and I took our baby Bubbaloo for his morning walk, I spent some much needed time working in the yard. When I say “much needed”, I don’t mean that the yard necessarily needed work but more that I needed the time out there. […] Read more…

Java Lovin’

Do you love coffee? Are you in the Bay Area? If you answered yes to these 2 questions, do yourself a favor and head to a Philz Coffee. They have 8 Bay Area locations. Trust me here people…this is the BEST coffee I have ever had! As the tagline reads, they make their coffee one […] Read more…


Should we? Shouldn’t we? Should we? Shouldn’t we? This is the ongoing conversation Pops and I have been having for about 2 weeks now. The question “Go on an Alaskan Cruise?” Today, Pop’s answered that question when he called me to tell me he booked our trip for the end of July. We’re going on […] Read more…

Harley Bubba

Of course, we couldn’t go on vacation and return with nothing for our precious bulldog, so, here’s what Bubba-loo received: His very own, stylish, Harley sweatshirt (with hood). He paraded his “beefcake” look all around our town this morning – to a lot of positive reviews. He was very pleased with himself after his “fashion […] Read more…

Ciao Texas

Today, we left Texas. I’m sure we’ll be back soon. We had a fun trip and loved seeing and catching up with family! Tomorrow, back to reality…and oh yeah….work :) Happy Tuesday, ~ Lita Read more…

Ft. Worth Stock Show

Because we’re here, and the Ft. Worth Stock Show is going on today, we headed there for the afternoon. I’ll share a bit of it with you now…and much, much more later. I really got a big kick out of a lot of the signage around the show. There’s lots of Texas pride here – […] Read more…

Texas Day 3 – Museum Day

One thing you may not know about Ft. Worth, Texas is they have fabulous museums here. Today, Pops and I took in 3 of our favorites. First stop, the Amon Carter Museum of American Art. This museum is simply one of our favorites. Why? you may ask? Well, they have an amazing display of “western” […] Read more…

You know you’re in Texas when….

You know you’re in Texas when chocolate is combined with Bacon: Day 2 in Texas started with a java, a bit of Twitter and then a lovely pedicure and manicure…trust me, though it’s winter my tootsies needed it! Sorry, you probably didn’t really want to see a photo of my feet, but today, there wasn’t […] Read more…

Texas Visit – Day 1

Day 1 has been very relaxing so far. Happy to say, Pop’s mom, Mimi (yes, our youngest daughter is named after her) is doing well at 90 years of age. She’s a real Southern lady and still makes it to the beauty parlor every week to have her hair and nails done. She also always […] Read more…

Off to Texas

and this photo epitomizes how I feel: although he hasn’t been packing and going through his inbox one last time and checking/replying to messages and making lists for Mimi (dog and house sitter extraordinaire). Nope truly he’s been doing nothing this morning, but snoring under the covers on the bed…lazy boy…you’d think he’d at least […] Read more…

Packing List

I do this every time we travel…stress about forgetting something. We’re only gone for 5 days. Still there are some things that I’m simply lost without. I mean really, you don’t want to be around me if I don’t have these things. Somehow, Pops can travel pretty much hands free and be calm and not […] Read more…

Out with the Old….

well, at least for this week, I’m going to mix it up a bit around here. So, I know it’s “Green Tip Tuesday” just like I knew yesterday was “Meatless Monday”, but since I didn’t follow through on yesterday, I say, why should I today??? Instead, I’m just going to ramble…and through this rambling maybe […] Read more…

Nia’s Fitness Challenge!!

I know today is my “Meatless Monday” day, but I’m going to mix it up a bit today. Why? you ask…. Well, because today my good buddy Nia begins her 2011 Fitness Challenge, AND I want to encourage everyone to join me in signing up for this. So, head over to Nia’s site, read about […] Read more…

Saturday Morning Calm Inspiration

I send happy weekend wishes out to the world as I sit here on this chilly (40 degree) Saturday morning listening to the sounds of my oldest Grandson Hunter and my hubby Pops as they read books, put together puzzles and make up games in the living room. They’re having their “boy” fun time and […] Read more…