Crazy Christmas Week

This week has been INSANE!! I swear every year I say this is not going to happen…and I start all the preparations early. My decorations were up before Thanksgiving week was over. Most of my presents were purchased before the second week of December began…the problem is the word “most” in that sentence. The reason […] Read more…

Lita’s Loves – Vegan Feta & Tofurky

Here are my two vegan food “loves” this week. First, we have: Sunergia Soy Feta Cheese Alternative First of all, I’m sure for all you “non-vegans” out there, it’s impossible for you to even imagine eating any sort of vegan cheese. And now I’m talking about vegan FETA cheese! I read about this a few […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday – All Bubba

All Bubba All THE Time Photo shot by our friend Wendy Photo shot by our friend Greg Bubba hiking in the rain – wearing his Mickie Mouse raincoat Photo shot again by our friend Greg Another sweet shot taken by Wendy And, finally, Bubba “action dog” leaping for Wendy’s son Daniel ~ Lita Read more…

Green Tip Tuesday – Wrapping Paper Recycle

Have you already finished all your gift wrapping this holiday season?? Or are you like me, doing a little bit each day focusing first on the gifts that needed to be shipped away? Just in case you haven’t purchased your wrapping paper yet, and if you’re not feeling particularly crafty and have the energy to […] Read more…

Meatless Monday – Vegan Pound Cake

Did you see me raving about this recipe on Facebook??? (if not, please join my facebook page – pretty please!) So, I wanted to make myself a “birthday cake”, but I wanted to keep it simple. Dang that there’s not a vegan bakery just around the corner from my house!! Robin Robertson’s book “1,000 Vegan […] Read more…

A Blessed Year

I have no problem admitting today is my birthday….I know some women do. I also have no issue with admitting I just turned 42. The reason I have no problem with saying these things is simple… This past year, I’ve felt so BLESSED! Blessed to have another amazing year of marriage to my best friend. […] Read more…

Lita’s Loves – Stuffed Turkey & Vegan Cheese

Here are the vegan food items I’d like to share this week. Gardein Savory Stuffed Turkey This is one of the many Gardein items (including buffalo wings, BBQ wings and beefless tips) that you can find in the freezer section of your store. They are super tasty, low in calories and high in protein.  These […] Read more…

Holiday Skating Party

Last night we had our company holiday party. Pretty good, I think, for a company who’s financial stress at the end of last year didn’t afford us a holiday party. Even better was the fact that this year the party included family members – including children! Topping that was that the party was held at […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday – Holiday Colors

One of my Christmas trees is decorated in blue and white….. and one in red and gold. Both seem equally magical to me. Happy Holidays ~ Lita Read more…

Green Tip Tuesday – Green Gifts

Have you finished your holiday shopping yet? Are you like me trying to complete most of it via the internet? If so, here are a few of “green” gift sites that I’ve been browsing through. The first is: Nubius Organics sells eco-Friendly and reusable lunch bags, water bottles and children’s toys. They also have green […] Read more…

Meatless Monday – Vegetable Soup over Rice or Noodles

I’m in soup mode again. I apologize…I think. Considering my daughters and grandsons just devoured bowls of it, I think I should re-consider an apology. Truth is, I actually love having soup left-overs to take to work for lunch during the week, so I was super motivated to make another batch. Since we had the […] Read more…

Tree Decorating Lessons

I thought I knew everything about tree decorating. I mean, I did decorate no less than 4 trees in my home this year alone (all different themes). But these guys: Hunter, aka sweet smile and taught me something totally new the other evening. Before the ornament gets put onto the tree…. I now believe I […] Read more…

Christmas Wreaths & Crafty Inspirations

Little known fact about Lita: I LOVE to make wreaths!!! Especially HOLIDAY wreaths! The first year I ever decided to make some, I made 85 of them. I hung them all over the outside of our garage and posted a “Wreaths for Sale” sign at the end of our driveway. I sold ALL of them! […] Read more…

Happy Birthday Nia!

Today is my good friend Nia’s 49th Birthday!! Happy Birthday Nia! And, as you read this, Pops and I are heading down to Malibu to spend the weekend with her and her husband Sam. I’m really looking forward to this trip for many reasons. Of course, there’s that we’re celebrating Nia’s birthday. In addition, we’re […] Read more…

Lita’s Loves – Triple Play

Instead of sharing just one of my vegan loves, this week I’d like to share three. The first, a newbie added just this week to my grocery cart (I believe they’re pretty new all-around): Tofurky Pizzas Pops and I actually had this, alongside a salad, for dinner last night. It was one of those quick […] Read more…

Green Tip Tuesday – Green Share

This week’s green tip is really more of a green share. I came across this blog called “Your Green Helper” and I just think it’s wonderful! It’s what blogging is about really – SHARING. The site shares so much information including organic coupons, green cleaning tips, household “greening” tips, environmental tips of the day and […] Read more…

Meatless Monday – Soyaki Vegan Mix

December has already been a super busy month even though barely only 1 week has passed since it began. All last week, Pops and I had fun events to attend every day. Sometimes I wonder how I even find time to fit in going to work! I usually have time at work to get a […] Read more…

Christmas Parade

There’s one thing the little town I live in does big… CHRISTMAS! It began last night with the annual town center tree lighting and caroling. After which we started a new tradition at our house of having friends over for homemade soup. I made the potato soup from the recipe I posted a few weeks […] Read more…

Happy Birthday Libby!!

Today, my oldest daughter turns 29. WOW! I met her just after her 12th birthday and love that she’s been in my life almost 17 years now. I simply cannot imagine a life without her and all that she’s brought to mine. There are simply not words to express this to her. I am a […] Read more…