Texas Day 3 – Museum Day

One thing you may not know about Ft. Worth, Texas is they have fabulous museums here. Today, Pops and I took in 3 of our favorites. First stop, the Amon Carter Museum of American Art. This museum is simply one of our favorites. Why? you may ask? Well, they have an amazing display of “western” […] Read more…

You know you’re in Texas when….

You know you’re in Texas when chocolate is combined with Bacon: Day 2 in Texas started with a java, a bit of Twitter and then a lovely pedicure and manicure…trust me, though it’s winter my tootsies needed it! Sorry, you probably didn’t really want to see a photo of my feet, but today, there wasn’t […] Read more…

Texas Visit – Day 1

Day 1 has been very relaxing so far. Happy to say, Pop’s mom, Mimi (yes, our youngest daughter is named after her) is doing well at 90 years of age. She’s a real Southern lady and still makes it to the beauty parlor every week to have her hair and nails done. She also always […] Read more…

Off to Texas

and this photo epitomizes how I feel: although he hasn’t been packing and going through his inbox one last time and checking/replying to messages and making lists for Mimi (dog and house sitter extraordinaire). Nope truly he’s been doing nothing this morning, but snoring under the covers on the bed…lazy boy…you’d think he’d at least […] Read more…

Packing List

I do this every time we travel…stress about forgetting something. We’re only gone for 5 days. Still there are some things that I’m simply lost without. I mean really, you don’t want to be around me if I don’t have these things. Somehow, Pops can travel pretty much hands free and be calm and not […] Read more…

Out with the Old….

well, at least for this week, I’m going to mix it up a bit around here. So, I know it’s “Green Tip Tuesday” just like I knew yesterday was “Meatless Monday”, but since I didn’t follow through on yesterday, I say, why should I today??? Instead, I’m just going to ramble…and through this rambling maybe […] Read more…

Nia’s Fitness Challenge!!

I know today is my “Meatless Monday” day, but I’m going to mix it up a bit today. Why? you ask…. Well, because today my good buddy Nia begins her 2011 Fitness Challenge, AND I want to encourage everyone to join me in signing up for this. So, head over to Nia’s site, read about […] Read more…

Saturday Morning Calm Inspiration

I send happy weekend wishes out to the world as I sit here on this chilly (40 degree) Saturday morning listening to the sounds of my oldest Grandson Hunter and my hubby Pops as they read books, put together puzzles and make up games in the living room. They’re having their “boy” fun time and […] Read more…

Lita’s Loves – Marinated Tempeh

Another “hit” for Turtle Island Foods, Inc. – you know those same people who make Tofurky (including the new Tofurky pizza I mentioned a few weeks ago)? Here’s the latest product I’ve tried from them – Marinated Tempeh. I purchased 2 varieties at Whole Foods last week: Yummy Sesame Garlic and Coconut Curry. They’re very […] Read more…

Candle Glow

Does anyone not love candles? If so, I don’t know those people. Simply put, candles smell delicious, create an ambiance (set a mood) and truly who doesn’t look better by candlelight? I used to be the QUEEN of candles in my house. Especially scented jar candles. I say used to be because, as I’ve gotten […] Read more…

The Christmas Quilt

Have I told you how very, very talented my mother is? This Christmas I received an incredible handmade gift from her. Over the past year, I heard her often speaking of a Christmas quilt she was working on. In fact, many times I asked her to email me photos of it and her progress. I […] Read more…

Green Tip Tuesday – Greener 2011

Are you still contemplating your 2011 resolutions? How about adding “going green(er)” to your list? There are so many choices we can make every day to move us toward creating a more earth-friendly world. Of course, I’ll continue to share the ways I attempt to create a greener household and life here, but as this […] Read more…

Meatless Monday – Vegan Artichoke Dip

I made this for the first time on New Years Eve – and brought it to a friend’s house. I’m so glad it turned out tasty because it would’ve been embarrassing if it had not been. In fact, I was excited to see that all the vegan snacks I brought that night were devoured quickly…even […] Read more…

The Blog Dare 2011

As I’ve previously mentioned via my Facebook page, I will be participating in Bloggy Moms Blog Dare for 2011. The basics of the dare are that you try to write a post a day throughout the year. I’ve already been trying to do this for the past couple of months and I’ve found, I really, […] Read more…

New Years Resolutions

Here we go…here’s my list…some easy, some more challenging, but most of them FUN…because the biggest thing I want for 2011 is more FUN in my life. I wish that for all of you, too. I’m writing these down here to attempt to hold myself accountable (we’ll see how that goes). 1. Blog Everyday – […] Read more…

New Years Eve! Movie Update!

Happy New Years Eve!! I’ll admit we’re kinda wimpy in this house…even though we’re in California, we celebrate New York City’s New Year’s Eve (9 pm here). We’ll be going to some friends for a little bit this evening and home before all the “crazy” drivers hit the road (I hope). Now, back to my […] Read more…

Movie week Bonanza!!

One of the AWESOME things about having this week off is the time I’ve had to see movies…. IN THE THEATRE! Pops and I usually watch quite a few movies each week, but honestly, he’s not one to go to an actual movie theater. We rent usually watch our movies through Netflix, Apple TV or […] Read more…

Lita’s Loves

Here are my two food “loves” this week. First, we have: Gardein Breaded Crispy Tenders These are so yummy and cook up very quickly in even a toaster oven. I know this because I usually have a package (or two) in the freezer at the office. I like them on and within a salad. I […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday – Holiday of Lights Fun

Earlier this week, Pops and I took Mimi, Hunter and Westly to Gilroy Gardens Holiday of Lights. It was a chilly night here (no, not compared to the rest of the country), but we kept super warm laughing and having fun with the boys. Here are some photos from the fun: Let’s just keep the […] Read more…

Green Tip Tuesday – Cleaning Silver Jewelry

One thing on my “to do” list this week (as I’m off of work) is to clean my silver jewelry. These pieces just seems to be very, very tarnished… probably from a year of hanging out in the open (as opposed to being tucked away in a jewelry box). One non-toxic alternative I have is […] Read more…

Meatless Monday – Simple Date Snack

Sometimes the simplest treats are the tastiest. In the effort to keep everything super simple this week, here’s an incredibly easy and healthy snack to make – dates filled with almond butter. My daughter Libby had a plate of these out on the table at Christmas. They are just so simple and so yummy! Ingredients: […] Read more…

Post Christmas Is it Time to Relax?

Success!! aaahhh Christmas was a Success around here. It might have something to do with the Magic Christmas dust we left out for Santa: Our day was filled with family, good food, warm fireplaces and lots of kids hugs and smiles. I hope yours was filled with the same. It really doesn’t get better than […] Read more…