Maui Fun

So, the Maui fun continues!! I’m so happy we came a few days before the wedding so I would have a little time to relax and have fun before the “photographer” pressure begins. Here’s how our days are going so far: Wake up, have a cup of tea and head out on the “morning walk” […] Read more…

Adopting a School in Harlem with Schoola

I probably don’t do this enough, but I’d like to take this time to use my blog as a medium to do good in the world. Right before BlogHer began, I was approached by Schoola to help with their “20 Days of School” Adopt-a-School campaign. What is Schoola you ask? Schoola is an online shop dedicated to recycling […] Read more…

Returning to Maui

Ahhh, Maui! We’re back…after visiting together 20 years ago! We came here the first summer I met Pops. Back then, he was still teaching so we mainly traveled in the summertime and that first summer I made my first ever trip to Hawaii – visiting Oahu and Maui with him. That first trip, 20 years ago, […] Read more…

I’m Going to BlogHer – Are you?

So, I couldn’t pass up going to BlogHer this year!! I mean, it’s right down the street from where I’ve worked for over 25 years, so there are simply no excuses! Not that I would need any excuses to attend just an inspiring woman-oriented event! I’ve been watching the posts on social media and all […] Read more…

Rodan + Fields Summer Glow Giveaway

This summer get the perfect tan! I am giving away a foaming sunless tanner by Rodan + Fields (the same MD’s that created Proactiv Solution.) This stuff goes on easy and dries quickly and gives you the most natural looking tan! Protect your skin from the sun and achieve a sun-kissed glow the healthy way!! […] Read more…

Bikin’ in Healdsburg and Sonoma

Last week, we headed up to Healdsburg in Sonoma County to join some friends for a couple of days of wine country fun – which included a gorgeous 30 mile bike ride through the area! Part of our motivation for choosing this time of year to all get together was to celebrate the birthdays of […] Read more…

Sea Bakin’ Seaweed Snacks

Are you a fan of seaweed snacks? You know, those flat sheets you buy in little packs that you can much like chips, or wrap pre-cooked rice in and snack away on. This past school year, these snacks were one of the few items that the kids at my Grandson’s pre-school were allowed to bring […] Read more…

Cruisin’ Day 3

Day 3 of our cruise was supposed to be a stop in Oregon…unfortunately, the waters in the harbor were too rough for us to dock. Fortunately, there’s lots of playing to be done on the ship….and playing is something that these 3 guys are really good at! AND also lots of lounging and swimming to […] Read more…

Cruisin’ Day 2

On to Day 2 of our Cruise…actually, this is so much fun posting weeks later, not that it’s been fun being under the weather, but it’s fun re-living our cruise again now through these photos. Day 2 began, well, with food of course…but then we were on to checking out more of the ship – […] Read more…

Family Cruisin’

Hello!!! I’m back…well, at least I hope so. Where’ve I been…well, in a nutshell – sick, on a cruise, touring Vancouver Island and well, then sick again. Alas, I’m hopefully on the mend now…fingers crossed. At least well enough to take the time to view all my trip photographs and to start posting about our […] Read more…

DNA Skincare

Ok, so first off, I need to mention that I was not in any way asked to write this post. In fact, I asked DNA Skincare if it was okay if I shared my love of their products on my blog. So, you can be sure that I was not in any way motivated to […] Read more…

for 45 Years

For 45 years I was blessed to have my Memere in my life. Not a moment goes by since her passing last week that I am not grateful for this. Though our worlds went in very separate directions as I grew to adulthood, our lives will forever be intrinsically connected if, for no other reason than, […] Read more…

Meatless Monday – Martha Style

I found this recipe in the April edition of Martha Stewart’s Living Magazine. It appears there (and on her website) almost exactly as I post it below – the one exception is that I’ve “veganized” it by using vegan parmesan cheese. This recipe had me at “one-pan”….well, and oreccehiette and probably olives too! Doesn’t it just look […] Read more…

Recent Reads

For a change of pace, I thought I’d share some of the recent books I’ve read – with a small review/recommendation of each. No worries, I promise not to share too much about each story as I wouldn’t want to ruin these tales for anyone! (FYI I’m trying out a new proofreading service –  Grammarly […] Read more…

Baseball Season Begins

This year we have both monkeys playing baseball – which means we’ll be getting tons of field time – and I’ll be getting tons of photos!! Here are some from week #1’s games: Hunter is playing AA ball this year. I’m not sure I can get over how very grown-up he looks already!! Westly is […] Read more…

Revisiting Myanmar

One of my favorite things to do, when I have the time (which is not often enough), is re-playing and re-editing photos I’ve taken in the past. This week, I decided to take a look again at some of the photos I took (and posted on Flickr) when we were in Myanmar. I then chose […] Read more…

Friday Fun – iPhone pics week of Feb 28

Here are a few photos snapped with my iPhone this week: Tried a new Japanese place near work for some tasty veggie sushi!! Blush Raw Bar – I’ll definitely be going back for more (I love the mint on the top of the roll)!! We got some rain (finally) this week, so this bulldog showed […] Read more…

Day at Disney

Seriously, I LOVE Disney….not as much as I love the two handsome guys above, but, truly, I LOVE it A LOT!!! (and I might add, that I don’t even pretend to understand those who don’t…I mean what’s wrong with having some fun with our imaginations – we ALL can use that!) So, during this past […] Read more…

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!! I hope everyone will be able to spend some time with loved ones today….family….friends…both. Pops and I don’t usually do anything big on Valentine’s Day – just being together exchanging cards (often homemade) is special enough for us – plus I’m kinda that person who doesn’t really “love” to go out […] Read more…

Vegan Cuts Snack Box

It’s a month into the new year – how are you doing with your resolutions? If one of your resolutions were to eat healthier – maybe trying vegan snack options – well, then I have a tip for you. It’s easy to sign up to get a monthly snack box full of sample vegan snack […] Read more…

Lentil & Veggie Soup (Dahl)

I LOVE lentils! There, I’ve said it. It’s true, I seriously could live on them! Yellow, red, green, brown…doesn’t matter, I LOVE them all! And now I have a simple standard recipe I make more than once a week – in my new PRESSURE COOKER! First, the pressure cooker story…. During the day, at work, […] Read more…

20 Years Ago – January 15, 1994

Crazy as it may seem, 20 years ago today, I met the man of my dreams. Me, on a weekend jaunt up to the Mendocino area (with my friend Sherry from work) to check out the area, hike and play tourists (neither one of us being native Californians). Jimi, on a winter surf trek to […] Read more…

New Year Knitting

Ahh, Happy New Year everyone!! I hope all your holidays were fabulous!! So, last year I took a knitting class….after which I proceeded to knit my first scarf for a dear friend and then I put away all the knitting paraphernalia….until now. Typical, right?! Well, typical of me anyways…so busy always to have trouble stopping […] Read more…

Roasted Squash and Mushroom Pasta

We all know how much I LOVE roasted vegetables…so, when I heard about this Roasted Squash and Mushroom Pasta recipe in the December issue of Martha Stewart Living Everyday Food pullout, I just had to try it! Oh my goodness, I was NOT disappointed! The sweet roasted flavor of the butternut squash went so well […] Read more…