Jim Hunter wrote a book – Stories From My Life – sharing his history and adventures. Read more…

Lover of Life, Photography, Design, Disney
Jim Hunter wrote a book – Stories From My Life – sharing his history and adventures. Read more…
The importance of meditation is a subject I’ve shared and written about before. Taking the time for meditation and gratitude have become a daily priority in our home. While there are many forms of meditation, I also believe there are benefits to knowing and using a variety of techniques. I love to learn new ways […] Read more…
What an exciting day we had today!! Jeannie Mai, one of the co-hosts on The Real remembered and spoke of “Mr. Hunter”, my hubby, and one of her elementary school teachers. While I know how fabulous he is and how much he can (and has) inspired me and others, it is so amazing to hear […] Read more…
Happy New Year! Yes, maybe I am a bit late…but it’s a sincere wish all the same. As the year begins, I see a lot of people choosing their “word” for the year. While this is nothing new, I usually give it a brief thought, then get busy with the eternal “what’s next” in my […] Read more…
Last night we were able to attend a holiday concert with one of Pop’s former students, Amber Patterson. It was such a treat to hear Amber’s beautiful operatic voice. I can still remember the first time we heard her sing. Amber was in second grade auditioning for the school talent show that Mr. Hunter (aka […] Read more…
The emotional wall I’ve visualized to keep my own happiness and well-being, Read more…
I’m an optimist. Always have been and always hope to be. I’m not saying I haven’t had “down” times. I have, but overall, I think I’m a pretty upbeat person. So, I thought I’d share 5 of the tips I use for finding peace that I hope will bring about more happiness and joy in […] Read more…
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!! Today, as every day, I have so much to be grateful for. There are all the obvious blessings – Health, Family and Friends, but there are also so many more. If I tried to list them all, this post would go on for days and days. Taking even a moment right now to […] Read more…
Wow, there are a lot of “opinions” out there lately! Opinions on many, many topics. The blogging world has been shaken around this week with controversy over “Mommy Bloggers” and truths and authenticity and the judgements have been released like a swarm of locusts. Lots and lots of thoughts and opinions have been shared: Strong Opinions […] Read more…
Recently, Martha Stewart re-posted a link from Pop Sugar Moms on Facebook about Good Morning Habits. The article spoke about how some people are “active” morning people and some are calm and “languid” morning people. I fall into the “calm” morning person category. In fact, a prominent part of my morning includes breathing exercises and a morning […] Read more…
Happy Thanksgiving!! I know I’ve been a bit MIA lately…off traveling actually and then, well, working…but I’m back and I have so much to share and to be thankful for. First of all, if you’re actually reading this post…well I’m SOOOO thankful for you. I am just filled with: YOU are why I blog…sharing is […] Read more…
I probably don’t do this enough, but I’d like to take this time to use my blog as a medium to do good in the world. Right before BlogHer began, I was approached by Schoola to help with their “20 Days of School” Adopt-a-School campaign. What is Schoola you ask? Schoola is an online shop dedicated to recycling […] Read more…
One of my favorite things to do, when I have the time (which is not often enough), is re-playing and re-editing photos I’ve taken in the past. This week, I decided to take a look again at some of the photos I took (and posted on Flickr) when we were in Myanmar. I then chose […] Read more…
Happy Valentine’s Day!! I happen to know quite a few people that get very distressed…albeit downright irate at Valentine’s Day. I am not one of those people. I don’t view this day as just a “made-up” day where you’re supposed to purchase some sort of token to show the people you love that you love […] Read more…
One of my goals this year is to find peace with certain areas of my life. Sounds good, right?! Yes, it sounds good, and my hope is that simply stating this goal will aid in making it come true. So far, so good. One area that I truly want to be at peace with is […] Read more…
I’ll be working on two goals in my life this year: Simplifying & Minimizing I have decided to make the declaration here on my blog which should help me to define and track my goals and basically be hold me accountable for them. I’m hoping as I share what I’m working on, you’ll share […] Read more…
This is a reminder to myself (a reminder I need quite often) – STAY PRESENT! It is in this present moment that we live…really live. I’m not saying it’s not okay to dream about the future or reminisce about the past, but I often need to be called right back to this moment and count […] Read more…
How do you overcome your fears the first time you do something or on the first day of a new experience? This is the current “Life Well Lived” Getting Happy question? F.E.A.R. Even saying the word evokes an emotion in me. There have definitely been times in my life where I feel I’ve lived a […] Read more…
Ready for a very random post of my thoughts when working in the garden this morning? I hope so…otherwise, just skip past this one. It’s finally the time of year when I can get back into my yard!! I love seeing all the new sprouts and blooms and smelling all the scents from the awakening […] Read more…
My Mother-In-Law began hospice care yesterday. Needless to say there is much sadness in my family right now. I’ve been no stranger to death in my life and the pain and sadness that comes along with it…and the grieving that follows. I’m by no means an expert in what to do or how to behave, […] Read more…
I often find myself getting so very frustrated when the weekend winds to a close. Why? you ask. Because I never seem to get done all the things on my “to do” chore list. And, oftentimes, those I do get done, are done in a quick and hurried way – less than perfect. I have […] Read more…
We’re away from home right now. Visiting one of our “happy” places the Ranch. Usually there are a lot more people here when we are here, and I’m busy socializing, visiting and catching up with them. Today, however, I found myself alone (except for Bubba) for quite a few hours. Free! When I never feel […] Read more…
Here are some quotes that caught my eye from Terri Trespicio at Whole Living magazine this month. They’re just simple thoughts that, this week, fit in with what I needed to hear. By sharing, I hope they might inspire or motivate you too. “Changing the way you eat may be the most transformative action you […] Read more…
My first BlogHer. WOW! I still feel like I’m processing all I learned, heard, saw, felt, and experienced. I have a feeling I will write quite a few posts sharing all my thoughts as I sort it all out. (Hence the #1 in the title above). This one is just an expression of how I […] Read more…
Ok, ok, so I didn’t cook anything new this week to share a recipe for. I hope you understand – I was gone most of the week and, though, I did cook this past week, I simply remade some of my favorites. If you’re really looking for a new recipe to try this week, you’ll […] Read more…